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'Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing It's okay not to be okay Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising Just be true to who you are' ~ Jessie j who you are❤️


" no cause you being mean" Candice frowned looking at kani.

" how I'm being mean Simone??" He asked calling her by her middle name.

She glared up at him crossing her arms. Kani was standing in front her her blocking from her leaving. He wasn't paying attention to her so she decided to go to ky room and see what she was doing when he noticed she wasn't in the room anymore he dragged her back to his room and refused to let her leave.

" because"
" because what?" Kani raised an eyebrow before turning around focusing back on his game.

" you not even paying attention to me I'm finna go back to ky room"

" I'm starting to think you like my sister more than me cause you always with her" he looked over his  shoulder  with a raised eyebrow.

" so I like her... but wait not like that" she exclaimed shaking her head frantically making kani chuckle at how cute she looked.

He leaned down kissing her cheeks.
" but you like me right beautiful??" He whispered looking in her eyes.

Her eyes caught his and she froze she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She felt her cheeks heat up so she settled with a shrug and averted her eyes away from him.

He chuckled kissing her cheeks and forehead this time.  He sat next to her his attention back in the game. Resting her head on his lap she rolled up in a ball playing among us on her phone.

" ugh I'm never imposter" she groaned leaving the game as it started going to coin master on her phone to upgrade her villages.

" this shit need to hurry up loading so I can play. DAMN!!" Kani cursed causing Candice to flinch a little at his harsh tone. He looked down at her under his arms rubbing her scalp.

" stop"  she swatted his hands.
" don't hit my hands like that" 
" you gonna make me go to sleep"  suddenly The door opened and ty'ke walks in with du behind him.

" AHHHHHH" du copied

" n-no we not" Candice stuttered sitting up well trying; sakani pulled her back down.

" Fuhh fuhh FUHH" du screamed

" Get out you and yo demon spawn" kani bucked at them.

" no scare" du jumped back making them laugh.
" exactly NO SCARE"  ty bucked back looking back as he heard a door open.

" bet" kani nodded

"SI- chill" ty cut him off

" thank you sir the door is behind you" kani waved at hand towards the door.

" but aye want my sperm for a couple hours" du mugged kani from the doorway.

" hellnawl he bad as hell and mean as fuck" kani shook his head.

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