PART - 8

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Days passed by, and Isha's life became worse after that day, the day when she got her husband to revert his punishment for the first time in his life, she was very happy that she was able to save her mother-in-law and thought even after putting her hand in the lion's mouth, she got away unscathed but she was proven wrong after three days when he called her to his office the third day evening, the last day of her punishment... no energy is left in her to do anything but she gathered herself and walked to his office thinking he needed some water or his coffee...

Entering it, she saw everything messed up as if it was hit by a tornado, and there sat the BEAST sipping his whiskey, sitting on his throne-like chair, his chair... He asked her to clean the whole office which is as huge as a theatre that could fit 2000 people, even the files on the shelves, books, everything was lying here and there... she started cleaning everything and after cleaning just a quarter, she fell unconscious due to lack of food for the past 3 days yet working continuously, both at the office and home, she didn't eat in office as she didn't want to lie to him or be a cheater, she didn't know if he could know or not, but she didn't want to be a cheater, she could never do that... 

To her luck, her brother-in-law picked her up in the evening as well at the main road all three days, so that she didn't have to walk for 15 kilometers, he knew she is not eating anything and walking so long distances could even make her unconscious and he didn't want that, after what she said to her brother, and how she stood up for his mother against The BEAST, created immense respect for her, Avyan's hatred for her sister-in-law vanished that very moment... He knew she is the kindest woman he ever encountered, and thought to help her as much as he could... Though he didn't talk to her much, he did has a soft corner and respect for her, and made sure she knew it, Isha is thankful to her brother-in-law for picking her up. Abhyansh knew what his brother is doing but he let him, as he didn't want her to completely breakdown at a single time, he wanted to break her piece by piece, but what he didn't know is he will be the one who would be struggling to join those pieces one day...

She fell unconscious, Abhyansh walked to her, threw a bucket full of water on her face and she woke up with a jerk... 

"Clean the rest and then die for today...", He said with so much disgust that shivers ran through her... "You will get even your death, in installments... I'll give you death every single day", Abhyansh said and hot tears ran through her eyes, she felt humiliated seeing herself drenched in water... The hatred dripping in his voice made her question her existence... There is no energy left in her body to get up and clean, but she had to... That very moment, for a second, she wanted to die so that she doesn't have to face all this, but the very next second she chided herself, she is not the one to give up easily, and despite enduring her uncle's and aunt's torchers for years, the idea of dying never crossed her mind, but in just less than half a year, he managed to bring that thought, and that moment, for the first time, a wave of hate hit her for him... Isha is the kindest soul, she doesn't know what is hate, she didn't even think she is capable of disliking someone, hatred is far but Abhyansh Singh Ranawat changed that... 

She got up and cleaned the rest of the study, walked to her room, changed, and fell unconscious... The next day, early in the morning, Amruta cooked a meal and took it to her daughter-in-law... She tried to wake her up, but she didn't even move, Amruta panicked, and sprinkled some water on her, but she didn't wake up... 

Amruta screamed for a doctor, and Abhyansh who is in the gym room, working out, walked to the room calmly...

"Abhyansh, son, she is not waking up, I think she fell unconscious, please call the doctor, please...", Amruta pleaded to her ruthless son... He looked at the glass of water in his mother's hand...

"I even tried sprinkling water but....", Amruta's words are in the air when Abhyansh snatched the water glass and threw the glass of water on Isha's face waking her up with a jerk...

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