PART - 15

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It's been a week since Isha came to Ranawat palace, she didn't encounter her husband and she thanked her stars for that. She thought now since she isn't the one cooking or the one who is supposed to serve him, she doesn't get to see him much since usually, that's the only time she sees him, apart from when he decides to torture her or remember that she is his slave and he wants to have his rights as a master. Honestly, she is surprised that he is considering not torturing her due to her injury. She remembered how he made her touch hot vessels, cook for him and serve him despite her both the palms being completely pierced by glass pieces and bleeding... But why isn't he torturing her now ?? What changed  ?? She questioned herself, why did she see the concern in his eyes for her  ?? Is it there before or just these days  ?? Several questions ran through her head but she had no answers to any...

Amruta asked about Isha's favorite dishes from Ranveer and cooked all those since she could eat some normal food in light quantities and not just soft fluids now... She took food to her daughter-in-law's room...

"Ma...", Isha called as soon as she saw Amruta carrying the food plate...

"How is my Isha  ?? you know, I made all your favorites today", Amruta said with a wide smile... She arranged the plate on the small table available in the room and Isha slowly made her way to the table...

"Thank you so much ma, I was tired of just having those fluids and soups... ", Isha said giving her mother-in-law a hug, and Amruta caressed her hair and cheek...

Isha started devouring the food while talking some casual things to her mother-in-law...

"Where is Ranveer  ??", Amruta asked wondering about her daughter-in-law's brother who wouldn't leave his sister even for a minute except for when she needed a bath or to change clothes...

"He needed to sort some issues regarding business, so he went to Rajput palace to get the required files", Isha answered and Amruta nodded...

"Maharaj is eating well  ??", Isha asked suddenly after some time and her question surprised her mother-in-law as well as herself...

"What  ??", Amruta asked, not bothering to hide her shock...

"I mean... I haven't seen him in one week, I mean... I... He, food cook...", Isha fumbled

"Wait... Calm down and tell me things like a normal human", Amruta said trying to stop her smile which is threatening to escape...

"Ma... I just wanted to know, he doesn't have any problem with you cooking and serving right ?? If he does, I could cook, I am fine now, or at least I could serve him", Isha said, well that's the half-truth, the fact that she didn't see him for a week is also not sitting well with her...

"No beta, I don't think he had a problem with it, and no, I'm not serving him since he is eating in his study...", Amruta said sighing deeply, remembering about her son...

"But ma, he always prefers eating at the dining table, no ?? I remember Avyan telling me, he never skipped eating at the dining table, not even once in past 15+ years, whenever he is at home...", Isha got worried, Is it because of her ?? Will he punish her for this as well ??, she thought, well she is partially right, it is because of her...

"I don't know Isha, and I don't care, now stop talking about him and finish your food", Amruta said sternly and that was enough to shut Isha up, as her mother-in-law, barely used that tone...

Just then, Isha received a call from her brother, she sighed and took the call, he called her 15 times from the morning, regarding her food, and medicines and to know how is she...

"Bhai, I'm fine, ma brought me lunch and I'm almost done with it, and then I'll take my medicines, yes, I know what medicines to take, and no, I'm not feeling any kind of pain, after taking my medicines, I'll sleep... Anything else you want to know ??", Isha asked before her brother could say a word, Amruta chuckled seeing the cute siblings...

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