PART - 16

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Note - This part is unedited, so read at your own risk. This is purely fictional and no characters or names are inspired by real life, if at all there is a match, it's pure coincidence.


Isha made the coffee, she was in a mood to tease her husband, the child in her didn't want to let go of this opportunity, for some strange reason, she didn't fear her husband or thought he would punish her for that. And she is not a fool to tease him directly, she would do that innocently without letting him know that she is teasing...

She messaged her brother-in-law to know if he was still in her husband's office. She doesn't want to do anything in front of Avyan, what if her husband realizes and bursts out on her furiously  ?? That would embarrass her in front of her brother-in-law, also at the bottom of her heart, she only wants herself to do all these things to her husband, though she didn't encourage that part much... 

Avyan replied in a 'Yes', she sighed deeply... She messaged him to let her know after he leaves... He wanted to ask her 'Why' but before he could type, Abhyansh's voice interrupted his typing...

"Put that damn thing away before I throw it out along with you", Abhyansh said in his usual tone but that coldness is enough to make Avyan put his phone away without a second glance...

"You need to go to Saudi, for a week, to coordinate the project", Abhyansh ordered, usually, it's him who goes to Saudi or any other country with which the Ranawats have very good business relations or billions worth of businesses in those countries. When Abhyansh asked Avyan to go to Saudi, Avyan is surprised, but he knew better than to question his brother...

"Ji bhai sa", Avyan responded looking down...

"First, the prince will come here to finalize things in the next week and invite us there, then you can go", Abhyansh said and Avyan again nodded...

"Any questions ??", Abhyansh asked and that's his cue to have his doubts clarified if he had any, and Avyan decided to ask the one question that's in his mind...

"Yes bhai sa, um... Not questioning your decision, but, usually, it's you who deal with the Saudi's, since they are very important to us, but now...", Avyan trailed...

Now how could he tell his brother that he doesn't want to leave his wife and go? And the reason Abhyansh always kept Avyan away from some nations is to keep him safe, not just because they are crucial and very important. Well, that's a reason as well, Abhyansh trusts no one's capabilities as much as he does his... He doesn't want his brother to mess up things, he knew Avyan is good at maintaining diplomatic relations and is also a very clever businessman and efficient in what he does, but he lacks in some things which are crucial to deal with people like they deal with. Cruelty, courage, Risk-taking mentality, etc because of which Abhyansh kept his brother from involving directly in some projects with some countries.

"You are not a baby to have you protected always, learn to deal with dangerous and difficult people... It's time you handle tasks that exceed our basic business. It's not like I won't be involved, I'll be supervising everything and the final decision will be mine", The beast said and Avyan nodded obediently...

"Anything else ??", Abhyansh asked looking into his files and Avyan knew it was his cue to leave...

"No Bhai sa, I'll take your leave", Avyan said, stood up, bowed his down once, and left from there and Abhyansh took a heavy breath and held his head. 

"Where the hell is my coffee ??", Abhyansh cursed and he decided to call his wife, but controlled reminding himself about the 'ignore wife' mission.

Avyan, as soon as he stepped out of the BEAST's office, texted his sister-in-law that he is done... She quickly heated the coffee and took this to her husband's office but then she cursed her for her stupidity. 

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