PART - 42

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That night was the toughest night to pass on for Ranveer, the weight of the truth that unveiled a few hours before was too huge for him to bear, he couldn't bear the thought that what if he had known about his sister's call that night ?? He might be or might not be able to rescue her but he could have tried, he wouldn't have regretted even giving away his life in the process of saving his sister but he didn't know, the choice that was his, was brutally snatched away by his best friend, but could he blame him completely ?? Isha's words have caused him so much hurt that he even hated talking about her... He let her words affect him so much that he forgot to think rationally, he not for once thought why would his kind and innocent sister would suddenly speak in a language that's so unfamiliar to her, in a tone that's so not her...

He left his sister to marry a BEAST, even if she really took that decision, for her freedom, it's his responsibility to save her, to stop her from destroying her life, she wouldn't have known what kind of a BEAST he to-be husband was, but he very well knew, didn't he ? Then how the hell did he let his ego ruin his sister's life, he always believed that though his bhabhosa and bhabho(Paternal uncle and Aunt (Isha's Parents)) weren't alive to look after Isha, he gave her the love and affection like them, brought her up like them but he was so wrong, if his bhabhosa was in his place, would he leave his daughter like he did ?? Though hurt by her words, he would have tried till his last breath to save his daughter, then why did he leave his sister like that ??

This guilt was always there in Ranveer, but after knowing the truth, regrets flooded over his soul... How could he face his sister now ?? All these days, whenever he accused her of not calling him or asking him for help, she bore all his accusations silently without uttering a single word, he thought she was silent because she was guilty, but she was actually calm because she wanted to protect his friend and his friendship which he cherishes so much next to his relationship with his sister...

How could he not understand his sister ?? How the hell did he think that a person like her could speak those rude words to him ?? Why did he believe in them ?? Someone said right, if your time is bad, you would do all the unexpected things that will become your biggest regrets for life...

The next few days passed in regret for Ranveer, he couldn't look his sister in the eye, he didn't talk much, neither had his food properly, but made sure Isha had hers... Isha is worried for her brother, his silence is bothering her a lot, she tried to talk to him but he responds in monosyllables, but he loved her the same, maybe more... he took care of her a lot, but he looks lost always... She tried to tell him that her marriage was something she could never regret, she told him she was happy in her life but nothing could reduce Ranveer's guilt. She apologized to him for shouting at him the other day, he just shook his head at her wiping her tears but said nothing, and her worry grew every single day...

Vikram left the next day, when Ranveer asked him to... He knew his friend was very upset and felt betrayed by the revelation and Vikram thought to give him some time, it wasn't something small he did... He was partially the reason for Isha's sufferings and Ranveer's guilt that might last lifetime... His mistakes became unbearable and cost his friend a lot, Vikram regretted them a lot, but regrets are the worst thing a man can have, they can neither be forgotten nor forgiven, regrets are like unremovable thorns that will keep pricking you, the pain is not too much to die but enough to remind you of it's presence always...

"Bhai... dinner is ready, let's eat", Isha told her brother, who is indulged in his thoughts like he is, for the past few days...

"I'm not hungry Ishu... You eat, please don't force me today", he said, he refused to eat all the time but Isha blackmails that she wouldn't eat without him which gets him to eat but today, he wasn't in a mood...

"Bhai, please... Stop being like this...", Isha said sitting in front of her brother...

"Ishu...", Ranveer said tiredly...

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