PART - 28

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Note - This part is unedited, read at your own risk, also I feel it's utter crap, tomatoes are accepted, not eggs as I am a vegetarian...

***************************************************************************************Abhyansh and Isha celebrated their anniversary as planned, visiting the temple in the morning followed by breakfast as usual, but with lunch with the family, Avyan didn't come home till the morning of the anniversary and Isha got so sad that her plan of having lunch with the family without Avyan is incomplete, and Abhyansh couldn't see his wife unhappy, he called Avyan to come home for lunch leaving the work and he came. Isha got so happy when Avyan personally wished her, BEAST though got jealous, he couldn't neglect the broad smile on his wife's face and for that smile, he could tolerate his brother for a while...

Avyan knew why is suddenly loaded with work, he knew his brother is punishing him for enjoying his misery, he so badly wanted to complain to his bhabhi sa but couldn't dare to do so, as that would push him into danger again... 

After the family lunch, Isha took some rest while Abhyansh went out for some work, in the evening, he took her to dinner in one of his hotels as he wanted to take his wife to the best diner and his was the best... He wanted to give her the best first-time experience in a restaurant and he is glad that he did, she enjoyed the food and ambiance, and he made sure the place is quiet, and cozy and made her feel comfortable... 

All the staff and people present there were shocked to see a lady with the BEAST as he never visited any of his hotel chains with a lady, he came for visits or for any deals, but never for having a pleasant dinner... Looking at Isha, everyone understood that she is his wife, Abhyansh made sure that no other outsider or customer is present in the restaurant as he didn't want to risk Isha's safety, if his rivals knew about him spending quality time with his wife, they would certainly get the importance of his wife in his life. He made sure that his visit was kept low... 

They came back from dinner, he asked his wife not to decorate the room, he didn't reason and thankfully she didn't ask him. He didn't want to scare her by explaining about intimacy right away, he wanted to take it slow and make her completely comfortable with him. He wanted to kiss her many times after their first kiss but she never let him, he is growing impatient with every second, after tasting her once, he got addicted and couldn't stop himself but every time he tried, she turned her head or ran away from there, at first he thought she is shy but later he realized she still needs time to accept him.

Isha changed into a cotton saree and came out, he got changed into his tracks and walked out of the closet when he saw her arranging the blanket on the floor... He decided to talk to her about their sleeping arrangement... Even though she started talking to him and behaving normally,  they continued sleeping on the floor... he felt an invisible line and hesitation in her behavior, he thought she still needs some time to accept him as her husband and decided to give her the time. 


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