PART - 35

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Note - This chapter is unedited, read at your own risk, there is some mature content, people who are underage or uncomfortable avoid content between ____. My apologies in prior if this chapter is not up to your expectations.


Isha stepped inside the palace with fear, sweat dripping... Before she could take another step forward, she heard her husband's loud tone...

"Leave from here, go away", she heard his stern voice but he is nowhere near the sight, she took a step towards the door from which her husband's voice boomed just now...

"Isha... Just leave for now, we'll talk later", Abhyansh's voice boomed again, this time a bit softly...

"Rana sa... Let me see you... Please", Isha said softly, trying hard not to let her tears out...

"Rani sa...", Abhyansh started but Isha reached the closed door and tapped it lightly asking him to open the door... "I said LEAVE", Abhyansh screamed with fury that she jerked back... But today she won't step back with fear... She knew her husband is in a worse mood and is hurting, she blamed no one but herself for it...

"Abhyansh... Please open the door...", she said, her voice breaking in the end... And that made him open the door...

Looking at the comparatively moderate size doors, Isha thought it was just a room but the magnificent view of the palace came into sight once the doors are opened... Everything inside is shining in gold, and the place is immaculate for a forbidden palace.

There is a huge hall but her husband is nowhere in sight, she walked and walked into the hall, and after she crossed the dining place, she encountered 4 different staircases, confused where to go, she sighed deeply...

"Rana sa... Why are you doing this  ?? Where are you  ??", Isha huffed with worry... She immediately wanted to see him, every minute of delay is making her hell worried, and the blood she saw of her husband on her way is making her anxious...

"Find me in the next 10 minutes, or else go back", his voice was heard and her worry turned to anger... Did he hurt himself so much in anger that he is afraid to show her himself  ?? She thought and she is absolutely right. Isha knows her husband too well... His anger became unbearable and resulted in a few cuts over his hands, arms, chest, and back, though they are not painful to him, for Isha, they are enough to cause her distress for a long long time and he didn't want that... 

"Challenge accepted, if I don't find you in the next 10 minutes, I won't show you my face ever... How about that ??", Isha said shocking her husband locking him in his own game. Finding him in 10 minutes seemed next to impossible looking at the huge staircases and the magnificent building... The time will be up before she could check one wing of a single staircase, so she decided to use her head instead of her body, her husband will hear her for this for sure, she thought... 

Hearing her Abhyansh quickly bandaged his wounds, and started giving her directions and finally, she reached the room he is in... He put on his shirt to cover his wounds but Isha clearly knew what he is doing...

"Take off your shirt, and let me do the first aid properly...", she said emotionlessly, she can find blood on the floor but for now she decided to stay calm and not think about it...

"I have done the first aid, go from here Rani sa", Abhyansh said sternly...

"Take off your shirt and let me do it... Don't irritate me, I am really not in a mood now", she said with a sigh... Abhyansh gave her a surprised look, she never spoke so informally before...

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