PART - 40

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Note - Everything is a part of my imagination, only a little research and data is collected regarding the panic attacks, so please don't take it seriously, it's all a fragment of my imagination mostly.

P.S - Sorry if this part is a bit disappointing but I felt this was needed to make the upcoming chapters entertaining.


Abhyansh is sitting beside Isha on the bed holding her palm in his... He reminisced a sweet memory looking at his ring-clad finger...

"Rana sa...", Isha entered his study with a child-like glee... The sparkle in her eyes made him instantly shut his laptop and concentrate wholly on his wife.

"Yes, May I know what made my Rani sa so happy ??", Abhyansh asked with a small smirk and she nodded vigorously trying to hide the blush hearing his 'My' whenever he says my wife or my rani sa, it flutters her heart...

"Yes, you can ask, now ask", Isha said trying to contain her excitement... Abhyansh sighed, he hated talking that too unnecessarily but anything for his wife...

"Why are you so happy Isha ??", he asked and she smiled widely before settling on his lap and hugging him tightly...

"Because I got you something and I'm very excited to show you", she said kissing his cheek... He held her in place wrapping his arms around her waist... He got a bit eager to see what his wife got him surprising himself, what he didn't know is the feeling he is experiencing is called excitement to see what his wife brought for him. A gift is really foreign, none really gave him to date. Many leaders and prominent men across the world tried to gift him one or the other thing but he always refused, they were more like a bribe expecting favors and he definitely didn't do favors against his values.

"What is it ??", he asked in his usual cold tone, but her smile didn't falter even a bit, as] she knew her husband, she didn't expect him to act all excited...

She took his right palm and made him wear a ring. A wide smile appeared on her face seeing it fitting his ring finger exactly...

"It looks great... Don't take it off, consider this our engagement ring...", she said happily... He let out a small smile kissing her forehead and she let out a sigh in relief, huh that forehead kiss meant he liked it. She knew her husband is a man of few words and she is glad she could understand his gestures and body language... He looked at her expecting her to narrate the back story of how she thought of it so suddenly...

"One of my colleagues, is getting engaged, she wanted me and Ragini to help her choose her dress and jewelry, and we went to shopping in the second half, that's when I realized You didn't have any of the marital symbols like I do... I have this (showing her mangal sutra(nuptial chain) and toe rings but how do people know you are married, so I got this... Now everyone will know you are married", she said slowly tightening her hold on him, trying hard to hide her possessiveness and Abhyansh smirked pulling her closer on his lap...

"So... Rani sa wants to claim me...", he said huskily nibbling the skin in between her neck and shoulder blade... Isha fisted his shirt closing her eyes tightly, hardly containing her moan...

"No, I just want people to know you are married, that's all", she said slowly opening her eyes when her husband paused his torture on her neck...

"Aha... Okay... if you say so...", he said dropping soft kisses on her exposed back and neck...

"Rana sa...", she called trying to stop him but he is nowhere near stopping... "Please Ansh... Not now...", she said fisting his hair, her actions contradicted her words but he stopped for now... and she is glad as well as disappointed but soon shook her thoughts away...

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