PART - 34

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Note - Do read the note before going any further, it's very important...

Hey people, long time I know, I was contemplating about posting the further chapters here or not, frankly I'm very disappointed and hurt by some rude comments people are posting. I only had one question, Not to be rude or anything, if people have so much problem with this book, why are they reading it ?? Then I thought, its easily available that's the reason criticizing someone's work is so easy. I for once thought, maybe I should accept the paid offers I am receiving from websites, you pay only if you find it worthy. People who hate this book yet read it won't be reading it then, that's what I thought, but at last, I decided against it. I want to ignore all the rude remarks for the loyal readers who love and support this book.

For all who are thinking Abhyansh's character is too dominating and abusive or Isha's character to be too timid, let me tell you, it's the way they are, people won't change suddenly, they take time and even if you give a lifetime, their basic personality wouldn't change, you should accept and live with it, that's all. I am trying my best to do justice to the story, I'm sorry if you are disappointed. You could just stop reading this book if you think it's toxic. Please don't lose your peace by reading it if you don't like it. That's my humble request. If these comments continue, I'll make this book paid... Loyal readers, Please don't feel bad, its the decision I have taken after thinking a lot...

Lastly this part is unedited, read at your own risk, I don't know what I had written, if it's crap, apologies in prior...


Isha went inside to prepare dinner while Amruta helped her. Ranveer and Vikram along with Aryan settled in the guest room, freshened up, and sat to watch TV.

Ranveer as usual wanted to watch Cartoon Network but the chanel wasn't working. He tried other cartoon channels and was surprised to find all of them disappeared.

He called the cable operator to know about the issue and what he heard gave him answers for his asked as well as unasked questions.

"We are sorry for the inconvenience sir, but the cartoon channels are given access only to those houses with kids. We are ordered not to let anyone else authorize cartoon channels", the operator told

"Where did you receive the orders from  ??", Ranveer asked though everything is crystal clear to him now... His unusual bad luck with ladies, him receiving a cartoon toy every time he got rejected by a woman, and now ban on these channels, everything is interlinked and directly connects to his brother-in-law.

During one of the cartoon deliveries, Ranveer noticed a small badge on the delivery guy which only Abhyansh's men wore... He suspected his BEAST of a brother-in-law's role in troubling him but at that time he didn't think the king could be so petty but looks like he is wrong.

Ranveer isn't stupid not to understand what's happening, he already knew there's no intimate relationship between his sister and brother-in-law. This was one of the main reasons he wanted his sister to leave the BEAST as he thought his innocent sister couldn't bear the beast and his ways, Ranveer thought his brother-in-law would force his sister but it came to a shock to see how patient the beast had been...

It's not at all in his nature and it still shocks Ranveer when he thinks of it. Hm... So this is how his brother-in-law is taking his revenge on him for keeping his sister from all the knowledge regarding physical intimacy.

Abhyansh was not angry with Ranveer just for his sufferings because of his innocent wife but also not letting her know what she was supposed to... Rajput palace wasn't a safe place for her and the innocent wife of his wouldn't have known even if she was sexually abused... Especially with people like Kailash Rajput around, Ranveer would have done better in taking care of his sister, that's what he feels whenever he remembers how Madan harassed his wife. He feels an inexplicable urge to get that man alive and kill him again in a much more brutal way. Every time he thinks about it, he keeps upgrading his punishments for Kailash Rajput... He is just waiting for that man to completely recover before he starts his punishment. His son's punishment is not even one percent compared to what the BEAST has planned for him. 

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