PART - 45

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Note - This is the longest chapter I have written till now, Hope you will like it... I have tried to elaborate the romance, this is very new for me, still I tried. Readers who are uncomfortable with it can skip parts between **********.



Isha walked to the bed after finishing her call with her brother asking him to check on Anshi. Abhyansh who was checking some documents in his tab instantly shut it seeing his wife getting on the bed shifting his whole concentration on her.

"I hope she is fine, she looked scared, you should have let me be with her for the night", she complained

"Then how would I punish you ??", he said huskily in her ear... 

"I apologized, didn't I ?? Let it go Rana sa", Isha said 

"Let it go ?? You can't imagine what I went through till I saw you fine Isha...", Abhyansh said, furious at her act...

"I don't have to imagine Abhyansh, I know how it feels, that is what I go through every time you get angry, I always live in fear that you would hurt yourself...", Isha said wiping her tearful eyes refusing to cry... Abhyansh understood her pain, pulled her into his arms rubbing her arms...

"I'm sorry, but I have changed, haven't I ?? I barely hurt myself these days", he said and she looked at him incredulously

"Now, you started lying too ??", she asked in disbelief, turning his palm... 

"I don't lie Isha", he said strongly

"Then What is this Rana sa ??", she asked turning his palm, where she observed a fresh cut, which was of a few days before... He should have known he couldn't hide his injuries from his wife... 

"This is the reason, I used the keyword 'barely' ", he said, he wouldn't lie to her ever... She glared at him at his explanation...

"Don't turn this on me, we are talking about you now", he said and she narrowed her eyes at him...

"Isn't that what you do always  ??", she asked, God! his wife is in full form today, he groaned...

"Your argument isn't gonna save you today Isha, How did you even think of hurting yourself ??", he asked calmly but his tone held a warning that still scared her and it will keep continuing... She knew how much her husband may soften for her, his basic traits wouldn't change, neither did she want them to change...

She cupped his face and stared into his mesmerizing eyes, hiding the love and concern for her under his fury... she softly caressed his skin with her thumbs pressing a deep kiss on his lips... 

"I am so sorry, I worried you so much... I wouldn't ever try to harm myself again... and now, I don't think it will be necessary, since you became Abhyansh for me...", she said, the fury in his eyes is replaced by deep admiration and love for his wife...

"I love you... I love you so much...", he said placing his lips on hers, kissing her so softly, this was the smoothest and softest kiss they ever had, he always loved claiming her lips passionately but now he wants to kiss her softly, pouring his love into it, only love and not lust. 

They way he smooched her lips softly, while caressing her hair and temples with his large palm teared her up with emotions... 

"I love you Rana sa... a lot... Please don't let me leave you again... It's tough for me to stay without you... I want to have a blissful married life, I want to nurture this family along with you, have children with you, lead a happy life with you, Am I wishing for too much ??", she asked genuinely thinking if she was being too greedy... 

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