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"82 is a good number, Ishu survived, the attack wasn't that bad right ??", Vikram asked with anticipation...

"This is the worst she has suffered Vikram... How much is she affected by this can only be determined after she gets into consciousness, the sooner the better...", Sangeeta said, Abhyansh's eyes didn't leave his wife for a second. Doctor's words snatching peace from him.

"But... last time, she was about to suffer a major attack, the count was 17... you said it should have been higher...", Vikram said desperately, trying to contradict the doctor's words, he wants to hear that Isha is fine... that's all... Sangeeta shook her head and was about to say something when Vikram interrupted her looking at her dejected expression... "No, I remember correctly, when Ishu suffered that attack 12 years ago, you asked her to count numbers whenever she underwent those symptoms, and Ishu did, but still just after a week she suffered a minor attack, and she said the number just before she fell unconscious was 17, you said her condition would have been better if the number was higher... Now the number is 82, very high, so she must be fine", Vikram said hysterically, trying everything to prove that Isha was fine... 

Abhyansh closed his eyes hearing his wife's sufferings...

"Vikram... please control yourself and let me explain... Yes, I did say, the number is higher the better, but even that has a cap... Firstly, I say the higher number the better is because Isha could borrow some time before the panic attacks strike her, and if she was able to divert in that time, she could be saved... If the number is higher till 50, it's okay but beyond that cap, it's actually fatal", Sangeeta tried to explain...

"I... I didn't get you", Vikram asked

"Look! Vikram... the condition Isha suffers during the panic attack is very bad, you can't even imagine the pain she undergoes... She couldn't breathe, she feels as if someone is choking her badly... she feels extreme tightness in her lungs and...", Sangeeta's throat is cracked and a small tear falls from her eyes imagining Isha's pain, she couldn't even describe it... "You have seen her suffering no ??", Sangeeta asked and Vikram nodded, he saw her in a worse condition, that is the reason he is getting worried so much... "The number being 82 represents that she has gone through this torture so longer... Normal people can't bear that feeling for even a few seconds, and imagine Isha going through it for as long as 82 seconds, that too if you take one number for a second, but according to me, it's way longer than 82 seconds...", Sangeeta said and Vikram wiped the tears that left his eyes hearing Sangeeta...

Hearing the sufferings of his wife tore the beast's heart. A small tear escaped his left eye... This was the first time in 3 decades that he teared up... His wife's pain is too much... No one can stop the pain he is going to inflict on himself if he proves to be the reason of his wife's pain this time... He opened his eyes looking at his wife, and the red eyes filled with fury blazing in them can give anyone a run for life...


"Ishu... My bacha... Ishu... What happened to you ??", Ranveer stormed inside as soon as he reached the Ranawat palace and hugged his unconscious sister... "Vik... Why is she not awake ?? Sangeeta ?? What happened", he shouted in agony...

"She got into consciousness Veer, but only for a second... we can't pressure her to stay awake, she needs to cope up with it, so it's better she stays unconscious until she is strong enough to handle the mental agony, and the things, whatever that's making her suffer...", Sangeeta said softly...

"I need to talk to you", Ranveer said harshly, glaring at Abhyansh... He was never this aggressive to Abhyansh, though he got mad at his beast of a brother-in-law, he always kept his anger in check knowing his beastly form but today, the fury he is having didn't let him care for anything... His sister is lying lifeless, and his gut feeling says there is more to he condition that made her like this, on seeing the severity of it, and his brother-in-law's eyes held guilt, he couldn't ignore. 

Ranveer stormed out saying this and Abhyansh calmly followed surprising everyone. He is not the one to follow orders ever, but he does. His wife's pain is too much for him and now nothing matters except for her well-being. His pride and arrogance of being who he is, evaporated into thin air. 


"This man almost killed you, you still want to stay with him ??", Ranveer questioned his sister seriously, who sat there like a stone without answering her brother... "Ishu... please divorce him...", he said, BEAST's eyes reddened with fury but he was waiting for his wife's reaction... One word was all he wanted to hear but she didn't say a thing, it's been days but she didn't utter a single word to him. "Ishu... these are the papers to file the petition, sign them", Ranveer said handing the pen to his sister, but she threw the pen...

"I seriously don't understand why you both are so adamant in being with the people whom I strongly disapprove of, you wouldn't divorce this b**t**d for anything in this world and Vik would leave anything for that bi**h. Why are you both torturing me like this ??", Ranveer shouted without noticing the BEAST standing just outside the room...

"Get Out Bhai...", she said calmly but Ranveer knew she meant it, he too needed to calm down before coming there, so he rushed out and she shut the door.

As soon as the door was shut, a punch landed on Ranveer's chin...


"Sangeeta... How is she now ??", Ranveer asked anxiously

"I'm sorry Ranveer, I tried a lot, but she doesn't want to talk about it, she is even hesitant to utter her father's name... I never saw her like this in the previous sessions, even though she refused to say anything about the issue, she did say a lot about how she felt, but now... she is completely closed off, and let me tell you, this is not a good sign...", Sangeeta said sighing 

Her words pushed Abhyansh into a deep agony and every second was like a year, he felt like hurting himself badly but that would only worry his wife, who is currently avoiding him like a plague. He didn't want to lessen his ache even a bit by hurting himself physically, he deserved every bit of pain and distress he is facing, but his wife didn't deserve even the amount of hurt and pain she suffered. Only if he could take her pain away, he would bear a thousand deaths to do that but unfortunately, he couldn't and his helplessness pricked his heart every second.

Note - Guys, I'll be posting the new chapter Friday evening or even before if possible in Scrollstack. Below is the link, please visit...


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I'll be posting the Epilogue and Bonus Chapter of Impounded Love in Scrollstack too, and will give you the link soon. 

The Royal BEASTजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें