PART - 46

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Note - This chapter is extremely long, and it's a kind of filler. Hope you like it.


Silence gripped at Isha's anger. Abhyansh is furious at his wife's disrespect towards him in front of everyone but the tears in her eyes made him weak stopping him from taking any measure against her as a king. 

"No one is supposed to use that tone with me Rani sa, not even you", he said sternly trying to calm himself down... He decided to talk to her alone as he didn't want to create a scene in front of the family, at the same time, he wanted to tend to his wife who seemed unusually mad. She never shouted at anyone in that pitch, let alone his most trusted man Bhairav.

He walked towards her to hold her wrist but she swiftly jerked her hand before he could even touch it.

"Isha...", he said exasperated, silently asking her not to test his patience but today she is too hurt. If her orders are not respected, why did her husband even give her the power  ?? Why did he always ask to command instead of gently requesting? What kind of a queen is she if her request isn't considered, and her pleas are ignored  ?? She felt humiliated.

"Do you know what happened today  ??", Isha asked, trying to contain her anger, she didn't want to disrespect her husband... Abhyansh looked at her hinting her to walk inside but she ignored it. She wanted to deal with this issue in the hall itself, in front of everyone as it's not just between the two but is related to the family. This is downright injustice in the name of power which Bhairav did with Avyan seeing Abhyansh's support. That's what Isha thought. 

Abhyansh looked at Bhairav who seemed guilty of hurting the queen but he could see the pride in his eyes, the same pride he found every time he followed Abhyansh's orders. He sighed understanding Bhairav wasn't wrong on his part, though he wasn't aware of the matter yet.

"Do you know what Bhairav did  ??", she asked again

"I don't, but I trust Bhairav, I'll address whatever the issue is, you don't need to get hyper, hold your emotions", Abhyansh said in his usual monotonous tone but softness underlying in it didn't go unnoticed, but his statement instead of calming her, made her angrier seeing him taking Bhairav's side.

"Rana sa... you don't even know the issue and you are already defending him", she said extremely upset...

"Because I know him for years Rani sa...", he said sternly, angry at her for questioning him in front of everyone which never happened before...

Devyani Devi, Amruta, and Avyan stood stunned at the conversation that was taking place, they were seeing Abhyansh conversing for the first time in decades but their heartbeat is rising every minute, afraid he would again hurt Isha and their relationship would go back to square one, not knowing that their relationship is beyond that stage to stumble due to petty things.

"Right, but you don't know me for years, so I can't be trusted, is that what you imply ??", she asked, she was so angry for the first time in her life and she wasn't in a situation to control her words or see where she is.

"ISHA...", Abhyansh said in a warning tone, how did she even think that he didn't trust her, he trusted her the most equal to Bhairav... "Tell me what happened ??", he asked calming himself down, not wanting to hurt his wife with his words.

"He burnt Avyan's car just because I sat in it, I requested, pleaded with him, ordered him, but he didn't listen to me", Isha said controlling her anger and tears at the same time... Seeing the tears in her eyes, Abhyansh's fury intensified, he glared at Bhairav who lowered his head unable to take the icy glare, but Abhyansh knew he did what he was supposed to do. It was he who ordered Bhairav to do so, not once but more than twice. 

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