Chapter Fifty-One: Commonwealth Day

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Isla of Sussex

March 14th, 2015

I smiled as I looked at my bump in the mirror. In three months I would be a mom of two and it still shocked me. Tomorrow is my birthday and I can't wait to have a day to relax. 

"Are you ready my love?" Harry asked and I nodded as I fixed my hat. 

"Yes, my mother has Diana until tomorrow night. So let us get this over with. I'm ready to take a nap." I said and he chuckled as he led me out the house and to the car where Kate and Will were waiting for us. 

"Two months for you and three for you. I am going to now sit here quietly." Will said as harry closed the door and we took off towards Webmeister Abbey. 

"Do you think it'll be another boy?" I asked Kate and she shook her head. 

"No, I think it's a girl. We have names picked out already." She said and I smiled as we turned a corner. I felt a chill go down my back and I sat up straight. 

"Isla, are you okay?" 

"I have this feeling something is going to happen.." I whispered as I looked at Harry. We arrived at the church and Will and Kate got out first before we stepped out. 

I smiled at one of the archbishops who joined me and Harry before leading us to the others. We all turned as Her Majesty's car arrived with Phillip in it. As she got out the car and made her way towards everyone. 

As she got to me and Harry she chuckled. 

"Let us hope this one comes on time. Are you alright? You look pale." 

"I am fine Your Majesty. I love the designs in your jacket." I said and she stared at me for a moment before moving on. I bowed my head to Phillip who winked before we made our way inside. 

As Henry and I stood in front of our seats Catherine turned to me and raised an eyebrow. 

"What is wrong? You look as if you are going to drop." She whispered and I sighed as I placed my hand on my belly. 

"I feel something bad is going to happen. Last time I felt like this my brother died." I whispered before Her Majesty sat down and we all followed suit. 

I felt a little kick and Harry placed his hand on my lap and gave me a soft squeeze. I turned my attention towards the Archbishop but I could not shake the feeling off of me. 

The baby is fine. We check her twice a day as I show signs of early labour happening. Her Majesty and Phillip were in good health for their age. 

All that left was my parents. My mother was at my home playing with Diana and the dogs until we get home. My father, he should be on his way to Maddy and Theo's house to pick Theo up for the weekend. 

I bowed my head as we began prayer and the choir began to hum. 

Padre dios te pido hoy que mantengas a toda mi familia en tus brazos. Para proteger a todos de cualquier daño. (Father god I pray to you today to keep my entire family in your arms. To protect everyone from any harm.) 

I lifted my head and saw the cameras pointed towards us. I blinked any tears away and opened the program to see where we were. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I held onto Harry's arm as we walked out of Westminster and waited for The Queen. 

We stopped in front of Charles and he smiled when he saw us. 

"Isla, ready for this next baby?" 

"Beyond. I love being pregnant but the last trimester is always the hardest." I said as he kissed my hand. 

"You look pale darling, have you eaten?" 

"Yes, I just have this feeling I cannot shake." I said before I turned and saw a school girl brining flowers towards me. I bent down once she got to me and she bowed her head. 

"These are for you your highness." 

"Thank you darling, these are beautiful." I said as she handed me the flowers. 

"Thank you." She squeked before walking away. Harry helped me back up before we began making our way towards our car. 

"Everything is going to be fine. Breath." Harry whispered as we waved goodbye to everyone. 

Authors note: Hi everyone. sorry for the wait. I have an idea of The Queen breaking away from Scotland and giving it to Harry and Isla. What do you all think? Also prepare for tears for the next chapter. 

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