Chapter Ten: Visiting Children's Hospitals

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Isla of Sussex

February 10th, 2014

I held Harry's hand as we walked into Copenhagen Children's Hospital. Today as a part of our patron with WellChild we are spending the entire day at the hospital visiting two different sets of children.

Those who are terminally ill and those who are almost done healing and are about to leave. I heard footsteps and I looked up to see Director Anton Mikkelsen.

"Ahh! Prince Harry and Duchess Isla. Welcome to the Copenhagen Children's Hospital. I am the Director and will be taking you both to the two separate wings and introducing you all." Anton said and I smiled as Harry shook his hand first and then he shook my hand.

"Tak for at have os!" (Thank you for having us!) I said and Anton chuckled softly.

"Wonderful! Has the Crown Couple been teaching you Danish?" He asked as we began climbing up the giant's staircase up to the catwalk.

"They have! Though Isla seems to be the only one to remember it. All I know is thank you." Harry said as we turned left and walked into the recovery wing.

"Our first stop is the recovery wing. The children here are either right out of surgery or from cancer treatment." He explained and I nodded as we walked into the common room and saw a sign saying Welcome Harry and Isla.

"Look! Det er dem!" (It's them!) A little girl cried out and I smiled as I waved to the kids who were cheering. I broke apart from Harry as he walked over to a little boy in a wheelchair and a cast on his left arm.

"Hej allesammen!" (Hello everyone!) I said and a group of little girls squealed making me laugh.

"You are Princess Isla!"

"I am Isla but I am not a Princess. I am a Duchess. It is similar to a Princess. Who are you?" I asked as I sat in a chair behind their table where they were drawing.

"I am Victoria! That is Lorelai and that is Kimmy!" A little girl with a patch over her eye said.

"It's very nice to meet you all. Where are your parents?" I asked as Lorelai handed me a coloring page of a rainbow and I reached for a crayon.

"Somewhere. De går rundt." (They walk around) Lorelai said and I nodded.

"May I ask how old you are and why you are here?"

"I am nine and I had to have eye surgery to remove this thing growing," Victoria explained as she pointed to the eyepatch.

"I've been here for three weeks and I want to go home already." She said and I nodded as I put down the red crayon and reached for the orange.

"I'm seven and I have a hole in my heart," Kimmy said with a shrug before I looked at Lorelai.

"Do you know why you are here Lorelai?"

"Yes, I have a thing in my head. Or I use to." She said and I smiled as I went back to coloring. I heard footsteps and I looked to see a couple walking towards me and Victoria jumped up and rushed to them.

"Momma! Poppa! Dette er prinsesse Isla!" (This is Princess Isla) Victoria said and I smiled as I stood up and shook hands with the parents.

"Hello, Your Highness! When they told us you and your husband were coming the children got very excited!" The father said and I smiled as I looked down at the girls.

"I was very happy to come myself. I have a daughter who is turning one very soon. If she was ever here I would never leave her side." I said and the father nodded.

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