Chapter Seventeen: Mayhew Visit

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Isla of Sussex

May 1st, 2014

I smiled softly as I climbed out of the car and smiled up at Mayhew. I waved to the crowd and smiled as Sarah climbed out of the car behind me and we stepped forward.

Waiting outside for us was CEO Caroline Yates. I grinned as I saw her and pulled her into a hug. I heard the snaps of the camera before I pulled apart from Caroline.

"How are you? I have not seen you since I annouced my patron with Mayhew." I said and Caroline nodded.

"I am well! Very well! How are you? How's Harry and Diana?"

"I am well! Harry is at home with Diana who has not been feeling well." I explained before we posed for the camera and then waved goodbye.

As we stepped inside Mayhew I grinned as I saw all of the animals playing around with each other.

"So, we are so happy you have come to visit today! Before we begin everything we want you to speak with the volunteers!" Caroline said as she led me into the board room.

I handed my bag over to Sarah and cleared my throat.

"I would be an honor to!" I said as we stepped inside and everyone clapped when they saw me. I waved politely before smiling at them all.

"Hello everyone! I am very happy to be here today! How are you all?" I asked as I heard some of their responses of people saying they are well or fine.

"As a very proud dog owner, I know the joy of adopting an animal and the joy of them being brought home. The role we have at rehoming and rescuing these animals is very vital. But most importantly the role Mathew holds in unimaginable!" I began as I shared a look with Carline before placing my hands against my stand.

"The thing that struck me about Mayhew was their community approach of not just rethinking but the preventive care that inhabits the cats and dogs from ending up back in shelters. You all make sure they go to loving homes! I am forever grateful for everyone's help with helping me adopt Max who is so loved at my home!"

"As Patron, I encourage everyone to get involved in whatever and however you can. We can find a bigger link to the community. I am very proud to support Mathew and to work alongside them. And to work alongside every single one of you. Thank you." I said and everyone stood up and clapped for me. I laughed softly before nodding my thanks and following Caroline out of the room.

"You have such a way with words. Such a way to inspire all of them to work even harder." She said as we turned the corner and I grinned when I saw a baby golden retriever scratching at the door. I bent down and scooped the dog into my arms.

"No more animals Isla. You know what Harry said." Sarah said and I quickly stuck my tongue out at her earning Caroline to laugh.

"I know what Harry said. No more animals until Diana is in preschool." I said as I scratched the dog behind his ears and stared at Caroline.

"I have meant everything I said in my speech. The work Mayhew has done is beyond amazing. I honestly do not know how you have done it." I said as we walked into Caroline's office and sat down.

"Thank you, Isla. It means a lot saying that. When we heard of you want to be a Patron for us we were beyond shocked."

"Truly? Why?"

"Well, now that more animals are being just left in the street no one truly helps us unless it benefits them," Caroline stated and I stared at her before looking down at the puppy in my arms and wishing I could bring this little girl home with me.

"Well as your patron I will try my hardest behind the scene and in front of the cameras to help you as best as I can," I promised and Caroline grinned.

"I know you would. We are beginning our mid-year newsletter. I was hoping we could use your speech as the message from our patron?" She asked and I smiled at Caroline.

"Of course! Do I need to sign anything?" I asked and Caroline nodded as she slid over the paperwork and both Sarah and I looked over them before I signed Isla of Sussex on the bottom.

"How many animals do you have?"

"Well, Max is truly my dog. I bought Buddy as a Christmas present to Harry the year we started dating." I explained with a slight laugh.


"Yes, Buddy is obsessed with Harry and only listens to me when Harry isn't home. But when Harry is at home he ignores me. Max is my little baby beside Diana." I stated as I slid the paperwork back to her.

"We know certain breeds only listen to one owner. But a lot of them listen to both of the owners." She said but I shook my head.

"And I cannot have cats. I'm allergic to them. I sneeze whenever the cat hair is on me." I said as I stood up and reached for my bag.

"That is why you haven't seen the cats yet!"

"Yes! One single hair lands on me and I will be sneezing until I go to the doctors and get a shot." I stated before Caroline shook my hand.

"It was amazing being here again Caroline. I'm going to go visit the puppies before I go home to my own babies." I explained and Caroline chuckled.

"Everyone does. All of my volunteers can never go home without playing with the puppies before they leave." She said as she led Sarah and me out of her office and into the hallway.

"I'll give it to Harry. He didn't fight me when I brought Max home. He just raised his eyebrow and said really?"

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