Chapter Two: Planning

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Isla of Sussex

January 13th, 2014

I smiled at Harry as he opened the door for me and helped me out of the car. We were meeting with our tour team at Buckingham Palace told to put the final touches on our tour of Denmark.

I waved politely to the crowd that was always waiting outside to see if any royal came and went.

Harry laced our fingers together before we were let inside by some guards. I shook my coat off and hung it on one of the coat racks before we were led into conference room B.

Set upon the board was 'Denmark Tour 2014' with arrows pointing everywhere.

"So what needs to be done?" Harry asked everyone to stand up.

"We've been going over this since the end of November, you do not need to stand up every single time we walk into the room," I said and they all smiled at us before we sat down.

"We are just finished and wanted to go through the first three days with you both," Sarah said as she motioned to the two empty chairs. I quickly sat down and smiled at the file she handed me.

"You guys will arrive in Copenhagen at three in the afternoon. Crown Prince Fredrick and Crown Princess Marry will be waiting to greet you and then take you to Amalienborg Palace." Our lead person, Alex Shah, said and I nodded.

"Queen Margarethe will be waiting for you at the Palace along with Prince Henrik. That night there will be a welcoming banquet that starts at seven that night."

"Her Majesty has sashes she wants you two to wear for the welcoming banquet and goodbye banquet. It is an honor as she has never let anyone do that." Granny's assitant said.

"After the banquet, you two do not have an event until the fourth. Isla you will be joining Mary at her visit to the Mary Foundation while Harry you will be joining Fredrick at a military meeting." Sarah said and I smiled at them.

"You all have done such a wonderful job planning this tour in a little under two months. I am proud of all of you and I know this will be a successful tour." I said and Harry nodded.

"Isla is right. From our tour team to our assistants to our wardrobe team and then finally our hair people. You have done an amazing job. Take the rest of today off and go see your family." Harry said and I grinned at him.

Everyone clapped and I stood up pulling my file with me.

"Isla! Have you heard the news?"

"No, what news?" I asked as I turned to Harry.

"Granny annouced this morning to the public that you are being bestowed upon with the Queen Elizabeth II order and you will first wear it at the banquet in Denmark," Harry said and I gasped.

"Truly? I thought it would be years before I was allowed to have it." I said but Harry shook his head.

"No, Granny said you deserved it for a couple of reasons. Her favorite being you bringing the United Kingdom close to Sweden again and hopefully with Denmark." Harry said and I grinned before hugging him.

"Is Her Majesty busy at the moment?" I asked her secretary who shook his head.

"No, but let me call before the two of you go up there." He said and I nodded before turning back to Harry.

"Her order, every time I saw it on Camillia or Sophie I always thought it looked beautiful." I gushed and Harry smiled.

"It will look wonderful on you when you wear it. I am very proud of you Isla."

"Thank you, my love," I said before Christopher said we could go upstairs.

Even though I have been in Buckingham Palace so many times I still got lost so easily. All the staircases looked the same to me and the only way I didn't get lost was when Harry was with me.

The doors to Her Majesty's opened and we stepped inside. Granny stood up from behind her desk and smiled.

"Harry, Isla. How are you two?"

"Hello, Granny," Harry said as he kissed both her cheeks and bowed his head. I dipped into a curtsy before kissing her cheeks.

"We are well. Just left our last meeting for the tour." I explained as we sat down.

"Did Harry tell you the news?"

"He did! I am very honored and touched, Your Majesty." I said and she nodded before she reached into her desk and pulled out a little box. She opened it and inside was the order.

"Here it is. You will pin it to your right shoulder when you are at any banquets." She instructed and I nodded as she placed the velvet gray box in my hands.

"As I said before I truly am honored, Your Majesty," I said and she smiled at me.

"Alright you two, I have phone calls I need to return so I will see you before you leave." She said and I nodded as I grabbed the box and carefully closed it.

We said our goodbyes before Harry led me back downstairs to where we entered. He handed me my bag and coat before he turned to me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked but Harry shook his head.

"No, I'm just thinking of when we first got married and you went on your tour alone. And this is our first as a family." He said and I smiled as I reached up and fixed his hair.

"I forgave you, Harry."

"I know but I still haven't forgiven myself." He whispered as he opened the door. He held his hand out for me and I watched him for a moment before I grabbed his hand and allowed him to led me back to the car.

Queen Elizabeth II Order

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Queen Elizabeth II Order

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