Chapter One: Family Day

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Isla of Sussex

January 10th, 2014

I pushed Diana's pram around as Harry held onto both of Buddy's and Max's leash as we walked around Sandrigham.

"I don't think she likes being in there," Harry said and I smiled softly as I looked over at Diana who was glaring.

"She just turned nine months old. She is slowly learning how to stand on her own. I think our daughter is trying to push herself." I said as we made another turn.

"Like mother, like daughter. Weren't you the one rushing to get back to your patrons after giving birth to her?"

"That was different, I was losing my mind being stuck in that house," I stated and we both started laughing before Harry's phone went off.

"I swear if it's something bad-" I began as Harry answered the phone and held us a finger. I watched as he grinned before hanging up the phone.

"You didn't even say anything," I said and he laughed softly.

"We finally got the approval list of our engagements in Denmark. We have a meeting in three days to finalize everything." He said and I smiled at him.

"Our first tour as a family!" I said and Harry nodded before we turned and began walking back to the Lodge.

When we got inside Harry unclipped the dogs from their leashes and they quickly rushed to their beds. I turned to Diana and picked her up before placing her on my hip.

"Come on then little lady. Let's get you out of this coat and these shoes." I whispered as I bounced her softly.

I balanced her on my hip as I took her jacket off and then her shoes. I placed them on the little coffee table before walking over to her little playpen and placing her inside of it.

"So when do we go back to Apartment 2? After the tour?" I asked and Harry nodded as he walked over with two teacups. I smirked as I took the red cup away from him and sipped softly.

"Yea, so in three days is our meeting where we go over the important days. But like they said we can be invited to almost anything."

"I know honey. I went on a solo tour in Sweden. I'm going to be bringing the Spencer Tiara and the Strathmore Rose Tiara." I said as I sat down in my little chair and reached for City of Ashes.

"I have to get my medals polished and my uniform cleaned. I have a hate/ love relationship with tours because of this." Harry said and I quickly reached over and grabbed his hand.

"I know honey. But think of it like this, our first tour as a family and for Diana. It's special." I said and Harry stared at me for a moment before grinning.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"More than you know. Now Diana is fine in her playpen for a couple of hours. I want to read my book for a little while and it is your day to cook both lunch and dinner." I said as I let go of his hand and went back to my book.

"Of course dear,"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I held Diana in my arms as the doorbell rang and both dogs began barking.

"I hear you! Now back away from the door!" I said as I walked to the door and peaked to see Catherine, Will, and George.

I opened the door and Buddy quickly jumped on William.

"We didn't know you guys were coming over," I said as I hugged Catherine and Diana squealed when she saw George.

"We were getting bored," Catherine said as she placed George in Diana's playpen before taking Diana out of my arms and putting her with him.

"Also, George has been cranky and only seems to calm down when he is with his cousin. And we have Starbucks." Will said as he held up coffee.

"Harry's almost done with dinner," I explained as I took my coffee and Will went to see where his brother was at.

"Is George keeping you up all night?" I asked as Catherine shook her coat off and sat down beside me.

"Yes, I don't know what else to do,"

"Try when you give him a bottle before bed, but a little cereal in it. It'll knock him out. Alice taught me that trick with Diana." I explained and Catherine nodded.

"We finally have a new nanny. Her name is Maria and she starts on the 20th." Catherine explained and I grinned as I sipped my coffee.

"That's good! I didn't want a nanny at first, thinking I can handle everything on my own but truth is we all need a little help." I whispered before the two brothers came back.

"Okay so change of plans. WIll scared me and I ended up dropping the chicken on the floor." Harry said and I closed my eyes trying not to laugh.

"Please tell me you at least picked the chicken up off the floor before the dogs get to it," I said as I opened my eyes and turned to them.

"No, I should probably do that," Harry said before he rushed to the kitchen.

"I'll go help since I caused him to drop the chicken," Will said and I nodded as I watched the two of them go back into the kitchen.

"Sometimes I wonder if they are grown men or a bunch of three-year-olds," Catherine said and I snorted before looking over to George and Diana who were holding the hands of each other as they laid down.

"Let's hope they aren't like that when they get older."

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