Chapter Fifty-Four : Funeral

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Isla of Sussex

April 5th, 2015

I stared at myself in the mirror after getting dressed.

Today was the day.

The funeral of my father and the paparazzi were relentless and already camping out.

The entire royal family wished to come and give their condolences but Harry got only a few to come that were close to us and knew my father.

"Mama!" I heard Diana call out and I turned and smiled at her toothy grin.

She didn't know what was going on and I hated having to bring her along.

"My sweet girl." I whispered as I bent down and scooped her into my arms.

She rested on my bump and there the baby kicked right at Diana and she giggled


"Yes. Your baby brother or sister kicked you!" I said as I tickled her and she fell into a fit of laughter and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"It's time." I heard Harry say and I sighed as I stood up with Diana and fixed my hat.

"If I wasn't pregnant I would be drunk right now to numb all of this."

"I know. Everyone's waiting for us. People have already began entering." He added as he held out his hand for me.

It felt comfortable being in his arms. Her Majesty has rooms for us here at the lodge. It took a short walk before we were at the chapel.

I inhaled sharply when I saw my mother in full mourning clothes. My brother caught my eyes and he shook his head.

"Mom." I said as I went to her and kissed both of her cheeks. She smiled at me before taking Diana into her arms.

"Come my sweet girl. Let us go sit down."

I couldn't help but feel sorry for my mother. Though she divorced him she still loved him. I saw Catherine and William walking towards us along with Charles and Camillia.

I smiled when Kate brought me into a hug. Our two bellies brushing against one another.

"How are you? Truthfully?"

"I'm fine now. I haven't went into the chapel yet. So we shall see then." I said and she smiled before moving to my brother.

"Isla." Charles said and I bowed my head.

"Thank you for everything. I couldn't have planned everything without you."

"We are family. Her Majesty should be arriving soon. My father should be with her I believe." He said as he kissed my cheek and moved on to my brother.

"Is Theo coming?" Camilla asked as she hugged me and her hand brushed against my belly.

"I don't know really. I haven't thought to ask." I whispered before a car pulled up and out stepped Her Majesty and Prince Phillip.

As she made her way towards Harry and I, I went to bow but I felt a hand on my arm.

"No need to bow. Today we are going to skip the formalities. Let's go inside." She said as she motioned for me to lead.

I stared at her for a moment before the tears came back and I cleared my throat.

"I- I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I can say goodbye to my dad." I whispered and she smiled at me.

"At my father's funeral I wore a veil. It was so dark you can only make out my features. I had to be strong. I had to be the Queen. But I was twenty five and lost my father. Cry. Scream. Block everyone out. But let those emotions in."

I nodded before turning to the door of the chapel where Harry stood with Phillip and I followed them before making my way inside.

Everyone rose of course once they saw Her Majesty. I made my way to the front and when the casket came into view I inhaled and let go of Harry's hand.

He must've held me without me realizing it.

There was a small bench in front of the casket and I kneeled down putting my hands together.

"Papa. This wasn't supposed to happen. You were so excited for this baby and now you won't ever meet it. I can't believe it. I see your body but it doesn't seem like you."

"I know parents go first. I know you are peace. But we aren't. We aren't at peace. Andrew won't show it but he is taking it the hardest. Papa watch over us. Me and my children. I know this is goodbye for now. And I shall one day see you soon."

I did the sign of the cross before leaning forward and kissing his cold cheek. I closed my eyes before I felt someone's hand and I looked to see Phillip there.

"Come on Ducky. Let's sit down."

I sat in the front pew in the middle. Andrew to my left. My mother with Diana to the right. And uncle Roberto besides Andrew. I could feel his eyes on me.

"Royals here. Your father would be ashamed,"

"Shut up." I hissed and he laughed at me.

"You knew his feelings. You were his daughter. You basked him publicly and yet you sit here crying. Clinging to your prince and your daughter."

"I will kick you out of this church and the cemetery so help me God if you don't shut up. You knew how he treated us as children. Both of them. Our mother got help and we went with her to understand more. He is still our father and we will cry and we will miss. Prince Charles was more than happy to help pay for the wedding. Where were you? Huh?" Andrew snapped and our uncle stared at us.

"He would still hate them being here."

The Pastor came up and soon the service began. My eyes were locked to the casket and I squeezed Harry's hand.

He brought my hand to his lips and gave me a quick kiss before smiling.

It was our sign. He was there and everything was gonna be okay.

As the hour dragged into two hours and the pastor finished up his sermon I watched at the people from the church closed the casket and I inhaled loud enough for everyone to look at me.

"As we say our goodbye we must always remember we shall be reunited with Andrew in heaven."

"Amen." I whispered as I stood up. Harry, Andrew, Uncle Roberto, and my two cousins went to lift the casket up and I couldn't help but feel the tears come down more.

We all followed after the casket and I stood behind with Prince Phillip near me.

"You are doing a wonderful job. The service was very nice. The flowers as well." He said and I smiled.

"Lillie's were his favorite. Just like they are mine."

"As parents we make the worst mistakes and for the rest of our lives we try to make up for it or make it worst." He said as my eyes stayed on the casket. They were loading him into the hearse.

"You father loved you Isla. Don't ever forget that. Remember the good times. Especially the times with him and Diana. At this age you have these items to record and document everything. Print the photos. Hang them everywhere in the house. Tell his story."

I bent over sobbing and I could feel Harry looking at me. Phillip grabbed my arms and I cried in his chest and he rocked back and forth.

"Let it out. Let it all out."

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