Chapter Twenty-Eight: Preparing for Invictus

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Isla of Sussex

August 20th, 2014

I sat beside Harry and held Diana in my arms as Harry was about to have a meeting with the rest of the Invictus Games Crew.

Next month would be the launch of the Invictus Games and I couldn't be more proud of Harry then I am right now.

I stood Diana up on my legs and she laughed before bouncing herself softly.

"Alright, all that is really left for us to go over is your speeches Harry and who from your family will be attending the opening and closing ceremony." The head of the games said and Harry smiled.

"I almost done with my opening speech. Just going over a final couple of things. As for the closing cermony speech I feel as if I should write it a couple of days before the end." Harry offered and I nodded as I handed my sunglasses to Diana to keep her still.

"I think that is a good idea to wait for the end speech. It'll mean more right?" I asked and Harry sent me a wink.

"It does. I do agree. Now for your family?"

"Well, of course, Isla, William, Camilia, and my father. Then the Prime Minister has invited as well as the Crown Prince of Denmark." Harry listed and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Catherine isn't coming?"

"No, Granny had set her up with a meeting a long time ago and we all know Granny," Harry said and I nodded.

"Alright, I think that is all we need. I don't believe we need to see one another until the day off." The head said as he stood up.

Harry grinned before standing up and Diana jumped off my lap and rushed over to her father. I shook my hands before standing up and fixing the purse.

"We'll see you the day of."

Harry shook his hand before leading Diana and me out of the room and outside towards the car.

"Diana get in your car seat." I heard Harry say and I raised an eyebrow before walking to the door.

"She's fighting you again isn't she?"

"Why does she only do this to me?"

"Because you give her everything and spoil her rotten," I responded as I watched Harry practically force Diana into her seat and her lip quiver.

"I do not spoil her." He whined and I raised an eyebrow as he closed Diana's door as her cries began.

"Really? Then let her cry the entire way home. She'll stop eventually." I said as I opened the passenger door and climbed inside.

"Her crying won't bother you while you drive?" Harry questioned and I watched him flinch before walking around the car to the driver's side.

"Harry darling, I do love you. But babies do not cry blood. She'll stop." I said as I leaned into my seat and watched as he started the car.

As Diana's cries died down I smirked softly to Harry before turning to him.

"Are you nervous?"

"For the opening day. Very. But I will have you and Will by my side. I'll manage." He said before he turned right and I saw we were entering a Starbucks.

"Oh thank you! I want a Venti Blonde Latte."

Harry pulled up to the drive-thru and said our orders before paying and taking them.

"Now do you want to go home or should we visit my dad and Camilia?" Harry asked as I turned around and saw Diana falling asleep.

"Let's see you dad. After the opening ceremony, we have so many engagements it will be a while until we see them again."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forty Minutes Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As we pulled into Charles's parking space as Clarence House I watched as the door open and both he and Camilia came outside.

"Now isn't this a surprise!" Camila said as Harry took Diana out of the car and her eyes brightened when seeing her grandparents.

"Don't you have a speech to be writing?" Charles asked with a laugh as he hugged his son before taking his granddaughter out of his sons' arms and held her close.

I hugged Camilia before she turned around and led us inside.

"My speech for the opening ceremony is almost finished and we didn't want to go home and be bored," Harry explained as we made our way into the east sunroom.

"Meaning you did not want to finish your speech," Charles said and I let out a laugh before sitting on one of the sofa's and watched as Diana rushed over to her toys.

"We honestly just wanted to come to see you before our busy schedules take over. We are going to have so many engagements and Diana loves coming over to see you guys." I explained as I shot my husband a look before turning to my in-laws.

"Aw, well we love when both her and Georgie are over here as well. They bring so much life to this quiet house." Camila said as she stood up and walked over to where Diana was playing with a Raggedy Anne doll and brought her into her arms.

"Are you two excited for your tour of Belgium? With Phillippe and Mathilde being crowned less than a year ago this is very important for both countries." Charles questioned.

"Very excited. When we met them earlier this month they were very kind. They offered the tour then to us but we had to ask Granny."

"I'm looking forward to it. I never have really traveled out of Britain before really. So going on these tours are very exciting for me." I gushed and Camila chuckled.

"It was always like that at the beginning for me. You'll love Belgium. I always do."

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