Chapter Fifty-Two: No

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Isla of Sussex

March 21st, 2015

Trigger warning!: Death, Car accident, losing a loved one

I held onto Diana's hand as she tried to walk by herself into one of the lesser formal dinning room at Buckingham Palace.

Her Majesty had called all of us to have a big family dinner. Within a month Catherine will be entering maternity leave and I would follow in May.

"Unc!" Diana said as she saw William.

"Hello sweet girl." He said as he bent down and picked her up.


"She wants to talk so much now! When we go into her room in the morning she keeps saying hi until we pick her up." I said as Will led guys to where Harry was sitting.

"Dada!" Diana cried out as she threw herself into her fathers arms. I sat down next to Harry and shrugged my little shawl off before tucking my bag by my feet.

"Thank you brother. Diana likes to wonder."

"Anything for my only niece."

As William went to join Kate and George Her Majesty walked in and we all stood up. Behind her was Phillip, Charles, and Camilla.

"Sit everyone. I very much appreciate when we can all get together like this." She said as she took her seat at the head of the table with Phillip besides her.

As we all sat down the servants were quick to bring out the first course. Harry buckled Diana into her highchair and was breaking up pieces of the salad to give to her.

"Should I give her the carrots?" Harry asked as I reached for my glass of water.

"Yes just cut it up."

"Alright Isla. How is the little one doing? Are you sure it's only one?" Zara asked and I glared at her.

"Do not say that. But yes it is only one baby in there. It is perfect. Growing as it should. I just hope it comes on time and not late like Diana. I was miserable." I confessed and Mike chuckled.

"We all remember. You glaring the whole Easter Service." He said and I laughed as I shoved some salad in my mouth.

"Yes well try being 41 weeks pregnant, you are sweating, wearing six inch heels and having cameras thrusted into your face."

"She got you there love. Only us women can understand that." Zara said as she sent me a wink.

As Her Majesty put her fork down and smiled.

"Once again two lovely children will be born soon. Last was George and Diana. This time who knows. It could be two boys or two girls joining our family." She said and Harry reached over and squeezed my hand.

"Thank you Granny." Harry said before the plates began being taken away.

"I wanted our second dish to have some sort of seafood but for the sake of these two pregnant women we shall be having chicken piccata with spaghetti pasta and a wonderful lemon sauce." Granny said as the second course was brought out.

As soon as I went to take a bite my phone rang.

"I am so sorry Granny." I said as I grabbed my phone and saw it was Maddie. I felt the chill again and my heart beating faster as I answered the phone.

"Maddie? Are you alright?" I asked and I heard her sobs.

"It's your dad Isla. He got into a car accident with Theo." She cried out and I stood up so quick the chair fell back.

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