Chapter Thirty-Two: Uh-Oh

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Isla of Sussex

September 30th, 2014

I laughed as I watched Maddy spin around with Diana in her arms and Max and Buddy spinning around with them. 

I shook my head as I stood up and walked towards the kitchen to grab my water bottle. As I entered the kitchen I had to stop for a moment as I felt like I was going to throw up. 

"Are you alright?" Maddy asked as I nodded as I opened my fridge door and grabbed my water. 

"I'm fine. I think the leftover Chinese food I had last night is getting to me." I said before one of my security details peaked his head in. 

"Your Highness?" 

"How many times have I said to just call me Isla?" I asked and he smiled before nodding. 

"Your friend Captain Louis Haynes is here. Do you want me to send him up?" 

"I didn't know Louis was coming over. You can send him up." I told him before looking at Maddy who was holding Diana on her hip. 

"I invited Louis over. I told him first to go to the pharmacy and get a couple of things." She said and I stared at her for a moment before the door opened and Louis stepped in holding a big bag. 

"I didn't know which one to get so I bought four." He said as he pressed a kiss to Diana's forehead and looked at me. 

"What the hell did you buy?" I asked as I reached for the bag and I froze when I saw four different boxes of pregnancy tests. I looked up at Maddy who smiled. 

"You said that you have been feeling ill for the past couple of days. And I know that you and Harry have been trying since March to have another child." 

"You think I'm pregnant? Both of you." 

"Well when we met two days ago for tea and you brought Harry and Diana you got more sugar than you normally do," Louis commented and I let out a laugh. 

"I have been having a sweet tooth. I'll probably get my period soon."

"When were you supposed to have it? It's the end of the month." Maddy said with a smirk and I stared at her for a moment before freezing. 

"Ten days ago. I'm late." I whispered and Louis took a box out of the bag. 

"Chug the water and pee on a stick darling." He commented and I glared at him as I snatched the box out of his hand and reached for my water bottle. 

"I hate you both." 

"No, you don't. You want another child and you get to be pregnant with Kate at the same time." Louis said as he took Diana out of Maddy's arms and threw her into the air before catching her again. 

"I could just be late." 

"The last time you were Diana came." 

I made my way to the bathroom with the pregnancy test and closed the door behind me. I stared at the test for a moment before sighing. 

Could I be pregnant? 

Kate was pregnant and she was over the moon but we had always said we wanted our children to be close in age in order for them to be as close as Will and Harry are. 

I shook my head before sat on the toilet saying screw it. Taking the test won't hurt. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Five Minutes Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked out of the bathroom and placed the pregnancy test on the table. 

"How long do we wait?" Louis asked as he shoved a brownie I had made yesterday in his mouth. 

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