Chapter Twenty-Nine: Invictus Opening Ceremony

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Isla of Sussex

September 10th, 2014

I sat in the car beside Harry hurrying to fix my curls and makeup.

"We are going to be late!"

"We are not going to be late! They can't start without us!" Harry said as he fixed his tie and leaned back.

"I should not have agreed to you joining me in the shower." I hissed as I went to flick him but he caught my arm and kissed my hand.

"You enjoyed it. You smudged your lipstick." He commented as he reached up and wiped it away. I smiled softly at him before leaning back and sighing.

"Should I leave my coat open or closed for the opening ceremony? I honestly had no idea what to wear."

"You look beautiful and I think you should leave it open. You look more relaxed." He said with a smile as I unbuttoned the two buttons and leaned back.

As we arrived at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and both our doors were opened I waved to the crowd that was waiting for us. Harry waiting for me before I joined him. I grinned up at him and he took my hand as we were led to his brother, father, and stepbrother.

"You're nervous. You have nothing to be nervous about. You have worked so hard on everything and it will all be brilliant." I said as I felt his hand begin to sweat.

"I don't want to mess up on the speech. I only have a certain time."

"You won't. Stop doubting yourself, Harry. Be confident in yourself and know you'll be brilliant."

As we walked up the stairs I smiled when I saw Will, Charles, and Camila.

"You two are pushing it with being on time," Charles said with a laugh as we both bowed to him.

"Your son made us late. Yell at him." I said with a laugh as I kissed his cheek before hugging Camilia.

"I don't even want to know." He said as I broke apart and turned to Will.

"Where's Catherine? Flying solo for this?" I asked with a laugh and Will smiled.

"She isn't feeling very well tonight so she decided to stay home." He commented and I raised an eyebrow before smiling.

"Alright. Shall we find out seats?" Harry asked with a smirk before a worker quickly turned to show us our seats.

Sitting beside us was Prime Minister David who nearly pushed his chair back as he stood up to greet us.

Soon everyone was ushered to take their seats. I flipped through my program before Harry helped me up and we all began to sing God Save the Queen.

"It will be different depending where we hold the Invictus Games," Harry whispered once the song was over and he pulled me close to him. as all of the teams were beginning to come out.

Three cheers were called for the British Team and I couldn't help but laugh as Charles nearly cheered the loudest when that was called.

"And now a video message from the First Lady of the United States. Michelle Obama!" The announcer said as we looked forward and First Lady Michelle appeared on the screen.

"Hi, guys! Some of the most inspiring moments I have had as First Lady have been when I have met with wounded warriors like so many of you." She began and I looked over to Team USA who looked so emotional.

"You tell me how you are not just going to recover, but you are going to thrive While I can't hide that I hope Team USA brings home a few golds, I want you all to know how proud my husband and I are of you and how humbled we are by your example. I wish all teams good luck and a very happy start to the Invictus Games." She finished before the screen went black and we all started clapping.

"And now please give a warm welcome to our founder! His Royal Highness, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex!"

I began clapping as loudly as I could as the light came over to Harry and he stood up and began making his way over to the stage.

"You look very proud of him," Charles whispered as my eyes followed Harry to the stage.

"I have seen him work so hard for the past six months since he has launched this. To see this come alive and see all of his hard work come true. I am proud of him. I am a very proud wife right now." I whispered as I felt my eyes water up for a moment before I blinked it away.

"Hello everyone! And welcome to Invictus Games 2014!" He began and everyone cheered.

I watched as his cheeks blushed a bit and I sighed knowing he was nervous.

"I thank you all for coming today in honor to support not only me but the lovely wounded soldiers who have given their lives for their countries. Over the next four days, we will see some truly remarkable achievements." He added as he looked up from his paper.

"For some of those taking part, this will be a stepping stone to elite sport. But for others, it will mark the end of a chapter in their recovery and the beginning of a new one." He added and I watched as someone motioned for him to speed it up so the singers could get up there.

"Either way, you can be sure that everyone who takes part on the track, pool or field of play will be giving it their all. And I have no doubt that lives will be changed this weekend. Thank you." He finished and I stood up and started to clap earning everyone to follow me.

As Harry walked off the stage and made his way over to me I held out my hand for him to grab. He picked up his pace to grab it and I smiled.

"You did wonderful my love."

"I didn't get to say everything I wanted." He whispered as I leaned up and kissed his cheek before we sat back down as singers from the Armed Forced made their way up the stage.

"That's alright," Charles said and I nodded.

"You did perfect opening it. You can always do better at the closing ceremony. Now come and sit. It isn't over yet."

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