Chapter Twenty-Two: Household Cavalary Standard Parade

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Isla of Sussex

May 28th, 2014

I held Harry's hand as he helped me out of the car as we arrived for the House Cavalary Standard Parade.

This would be my first time attending this as for the past two years I was either on my honeymoon or on maternity leave.

I waved softly to the crowd before Harry and I were led to our spot near Edward, The Duke of Kent.

"Harry, my boy! Look at you!" He said as Harry hugged him.

"Hello, Uncle George. How are you?" Harry asked as the pulled apart and Edward chuckled.

"Very well. Ready for the parade to start and then rest before the garden party." He said before he turned to me and I smiled.

"Hello, Isla. You look very lovely today." He said as I leaned forward a kissed both his cheeks and hugged him.

"Thank you! I got this dress while we were in Italy and thought why not debut it today." I said and Edward chuckled before looking around.

"I believe Her Majesty is wearing blue as well."

"How can you tell?" I asked before he pointed to a group walking and I saw Her Majesty is a pale blue dress coat and hat.

"Because my cousin has arrived." He said and I smiled before I turned to Her Majesty and watched as the captain approaches the Queen before bowing low to her.

It always fascinated me knowing Her Majesty, as well as Prince Phillip, were getting older but yet they were still able to carry out all the duties they wanted to.

Her Majesty shook the captain's hand before she was led over to the only horse that was brought forward.

"I hope her guard stays close to her," Harry whispered and I raised an eyebrow as I looked up at him.


"It's a bit muddy where she is stepping. If she slips she could really get hurt." He said and I smiled as I rubbed his arm.

"So sweet for you to care so much for your granny," I whispered as Her Majesty approached the horse and pet the top of its head.

"Will you two allow little Diana to learn how to ride horses?" Edward asked and I watched Harry smirk.

"She is sort of terrified of them. Last Christmas we brought her out to see Granny horse riding because she invited Isla and as soon as Diana came close to them she started crying." Harry explained and I shook my head.

"She only stopped when Harry brought her back inside. When I came back she kept checking me to see if I was alright."

"That's adorable. Helen at first was scared of the horses. It wasn't until Elizabeth showed her they were nothing to be scared of that she was fine being around them." He explained and I shook my head.

"I think it is going to take a little while longer for Diana to be fine with them," I said before the music began and we all turned our attention to the front.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two Hours Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I held Harry's hand as he led me back to the car. I waved softly to the crowd before I saw Will and Kate waiting at the car for us.

"You two were late," I said and Will sighed.

"We know. George hasn't been feeling good and we were up late with him."

"Is he alright?" I asked as I hugged Kate.

"Yes, his fever went down and he has just a little cough but I just don't like how the couch sounds." She explained and I nodded.

"Take him a nice hot bath and then rub vaporub on his chest. It should help with the cough." I explained and Will nodded.

"I told you we should have gone to their house and asked to borrow some." He told Kate before he opened the door and we all climbed inside the car.

"VapoRub helps with everything! Every time my brother or I were sick my mum would make us take a hot shower and once we got out she would rub our chest and back and wrap us up in a blanket." I explained as I sat beside Kate.

The boys climbed in and we all took off towards Buckingham Palace.

"How did you enjoy your first Household Cavalary?" Will asked as he fixed his jacket.

"It was alright. Not as entertaining as the Trooping." I said and Harry chuckled.

"She was trying hard not to fall asleep."

I went to shove him but Kate swatted my hand away. I laughed before I leaned back and sighed softly.

"I am honestly debating not going to the garden party," I stated and Harry chuckled.

"You know Granny will kill us." He said and I whined before the car stopped and I looked to see the palace.

"Alright, everyone. Garden party time." Will said as the door opened and he climbed out of the car and turned around to offer Kate his hand.

Harry climbed out next and smiled before offering me his hand. I gripped it softly before I climbed out and fixed my dress.

I held onto my clutch as we made our way towards the back where the garden party was being held at. The last garden party I attended was either two or three years ago.

"Feels like forever right?" Harry whispered as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"It does. Come on love."

A Royal MarriageOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara