Chapter Twenty-Six: The Spectacular Sea Of Poppies

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Isla of Sussex

August 5th, 2014

After having our small summer holiday we were now slowly getting back into our public engagements. Though our holiday was only a month we all worked a lot behind the scene.

Harry has been so invested in the Invictus Games and I was so proud of him but it was slightly annoying when he would come home late and leave early in the morning as well.

Today we would be enjoying Kate and Will at the Sea of Poppies near the Tower of London.

Yesterday we had a day of engagements in Belgium and honestly, all four of us would be fighting sleep the entire time.

"Kate you look as if you are going to drop," I commented as I closed my purse and stared at her.

"I'm used to the time change but after a couple of days. Being in Belgium for a day and then coming back right away is messing with me." She stated as the car stopped and I looked to see people screaming for us.

"Fabulous Four, I wonder if they ever had a nickname for Mum and Dad with Uncle Andrew and Aunt Sarah?" Harry asked as he moved closer to me.

"No, because dad never agreed with a lot of engagements with Sarah," Will said as the door opened and he climbed out first.

Kate went second and when Harry climbed out he waved for a moment before turning around and offering his hand to me.

I smiled softly as I gripped his hand and scooted out of the car. The first to greet us was workes of the Tower.

"Your Highnesses we are very happy the four of you could be here to join us today. We grateful." The man in the uniform said and I smiled at me.

"We are honored to come," Will stated and Harry nodded as he shook the man's hand.

"It is the one hundredth year anniversary of World War I and people will forever mourn their dead. Lest we forget." Harry said and I turned to my husband and smiled.

"Lest we forget." The man responded as he introduced us to some of the workers.

"Who made all of the poppies?" I asked as we began the small tour of all the poppies.

"They were all made by volunteers. A team of over 8,000 volunteers has been hard at work installing 888,246 ceramic poppies." The man who I learned his name was Sir Bartholomew Galich explained.

"The last of the poppies will be planted on November 11th. And then every evening the names of 180 soldiers killed during the war will be read out loud in a Roll of Honour before a bugler plays "The Last Post."" He finished and I nodded as I let my hand fall and feel the poppies.

"Do they cost much to make? And if so who will receive the money?" Kate asked and Bartholomew smiled and shook head before stopping causing all of us to stop as well.

" They are all hand made by our volunteers. Each of the hand made flowers will be sold for £25 to raise money for six charities associated with the Armed Forces." He stated and his tone made me feel like he practiced it over a thousand times.

"No need to be nervous around us. We truly are normal people." I said and Bartholomew blushed before clearing his throat.

"Of course, Your Highness."

"Can anyone visit?" Will asked as he ushered Kate to keep on moving and we all followed him.

"Yes. The can walk the same path as you do and if they want to they could buy a poppy so we could plant it. We are calling it now the Tower of London's 'Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red'"

I raised an eyebrow before turning to Harry who shrugged as he leaned over.

"Such a gory name. I would've called it the Spectacular Sea of Poppies." He whispered and I giggled before flicking his arm.

"Gory it may be but it reflects the outcome of the war." I retorted before we caught up with the other three.

Bartholomew was holding four of the poppies in his hand and smiled at us.

"Four people have donated these four poppies for you four to plant anywhere in this field that you wish to. We ask only for you to sign your name." He explained and I nodded as I reached my hand out and took the ceramic poppy.

I leaned the small card against my purse and signed Isla before passing the pen to Harry. Once he signed his name he gently grabbed my elbow and led me away from Kate and Will.

"Where should we plant these two?" He asked with a smile.

"Somewhere that doesn't have a lot near them I believe." I offered and Harry turned to me and smiled.

"I know I have not been home lately and helping out with Diana as much and I am really sorry." He began but I stared at him.

"I know you have your Invictus Games to worry about but you can't forget about your daughter and me. All I ask for is a day. Not even." I said before I found a small clearing and crouched down to plant it in the ground.

Harry crouched beside me and planted his beside me and smiled.

"I'm sorry and I swear I will make it up to you once the games are over." He said and I raised an eyebrow at him before nodding.

"I will hold you to that Henry. Now help me up." I said as I offered my hand to him as he pulled me up and held me close to him.

"I would not be able to do any of this without you. You know that right?"

"Of course I do. And I know how important this is to you, Harry. But family is just as important. Family at times is all that you got."

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