Chapter Twenty-One: Back Home

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Isla of Sussex

May 21st, 2014

After arriving home last night and immediately falling asleep today was our normal day back. We have a week off before our next engagement and then another two weeks off with any public engagements.

Most of them would be private and behind the scene.

I pushed Diana's pram as we walked both Max and Buddy. I knew people were taking photos of us and I tried my hardest not to wince every time I heard the clicks. But this is what came with marrying into the crown.

As we turned back to our house and I laughed when I saw Maddy and Theo getting out of their car. Max and Buddy began barking and I laughed as Theo rushed over to us and took the dogs from me.

"Want to keep walking?" I asked Maddy who locked the car and I saw her with two iced coffees.

"I have to say yes as Theo already began running with the dogs." She said as she walked towards me and hugged me. She gave me my coffee before bending down and kissing Diana's forehead.

"So how are you alive now?" Maddy asked as we started the loop again.

"We fell asleep as soon as we came. None of us changed or put things away. Harry is at a meeting right now." I said and Maddy raised an eyebrow.

"Between you two and William and Kate so many events have been happening."

"I know. Next month Harry will be gone for about a week. Four days in Brazil and two days in Chile." I stated and Maddy sighed.

"Maybe then Theo and I could sleepover." She offered and I laughed as I picked up my coffee and sipped softly.

"I would love that. So many things are happening after the summer. Harry launches his Invictus Games and I have never been so proud of him before." I confessed as I slipped my sunglasses on the top of my head.

"Honestly Is, I don't know how you two are doing all of this. Invictus games are very soon and I know you two are trying again." Maddy said and I smiled as I looked down at Diana who played with her own sunglasses.

"In a couple of months, we will start trying again. It was so easy to get pregnant with Diana. I know towards the end of the year we will be going on another two-week tour to try to strengthen our relationship." I said as I looked forward and saw Theo running with my two dogs.

"I want you to meet Rick soon. I was thinking I could cook dinner and you, Harry, and this little one can come over?" She offered and I lifted my cup of coffee to my mouth and sipped softly.

"I would like that. Every time Theo comes over he talks about Rick and I want to meet him myself." I said and Maddy blushed.

"Theo loves him. He keeps asking for a little brother or sister. I mean I see how amazing he is with Diana but I have always imagined having children with Andrew only." She confessed and I nodded as I cleared my throat.

"I know Andrew hurt all of us faking his death. It was the most stressful part of my pregnancy. But if you still love him, Maddy. Don't give up." I said as we finished the loop and got back to our apartment.

I heard a car pulling up and looked to see Harry waving. I bent in front of Diana and unbuckled her from her pram and helped her stand on the ground.

Once Harry parked the car and got out I let go of Diana's hand and grinned as she ran towards her father.

I smiled as Harry scooped her into his arms before walking over to me and kissing me softly.

"Hello, darling. How was the meeting?" I asked and Harry nodded.

"Good. The said they want us to have Diana with us for the Trooping. Just the balcony part." He said before he hugged Maddy and Theo hello.

"I knew that was coming. Now let's get inside. It's getting a bit hot." I said as Maddy unlocked the door and Theo went inside first with the dogs. I broke down Diana's pram and carried it inside.

I leaned it against the wall before taking my glasses off my head and placing them on the coffee table. I stared at Harry as he carried Diana like she was a plane and heard her laugh.

I shook my head before slipping my purse off and putting it on the sofa where Theo laid with the dogs.

"Make your mum get you a dog," I said as I ruffled his hair.

"Dad is about to get one! He is thinking about getting a golden retriever." He said and I laughed as I sat on the love seat.

"Your father always loved those dogs. Your grandmother never let us have big dogs growing up. All we could have were small dogs."


"Her and Grandpa were terrified of big dogs when they were younger and just thought the same for us," I said with a shrug before I grabbed my coffee and sipped on it.

"Who wants Chinese food because it is honestly to hot to cook?" Harry asked as he placed Diana on the ground.

"You know what I want. So yes everyone wants Chinese food." I said and Theo cheered.

"Can I get pork fried rice instead of chips?"

"It's up to your Uncle. He is paying." Maddy said as she sat beside Diana on the floor and began playing with some of her toys.

"Of course! I am going to order it now!"


@DailyMail_Uk: We have a new engagement! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will join the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at the Household Cavalry Standard Parade on the 28th! This is the first we will see the fabulous four together after many weeks of ...

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@DailyMail_Uk: We have a new engagement! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will join the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at the Household Cavalry Standard Parade on the 28th! This is the first we will see the fabulous four together after many weeks of a busy schedule!

@DailyMail_Uk: We have a new engagement! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will join the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at the Household Cavalry Standard Parade on the 28th! This is the first we will see the fabulous four together after many weeks of ...

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@DailyMail_UK: In honor of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex celebrating their second wedding anniversary they share this new photo!

It is believed that this photo was taken by Isla's nephew Theo when the couple returned from an event.

Wishing The Duke and Duchess of Sussex a very happy anniversary!

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