Chapter Twelve: Goodbye Banquet

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Isla of Sussex

February 13th, 2014

I held Harry's hand as we rounded the corner and spotted everyone. Her Majesty and Prince Henrik were speaking to Fredrick and Mary when they spotted us.

"Isla! You look wonderful!" Mary said as she stepped to the side.

I smiled softly at her before I turned to Her Majesty and bowed low to her.

She smiled and nodded her head to Harry and I before we stood up and I kissed both her cheeks.

"We are just waiting for Marie and Joachim." She said as we broke apart and I hugged Henrik hello.

"And here they come," Fredrick said as he shook hands with Harry as I hugged Mary hello.

"Are you ready for your speech?" Mary asked as I stepped towards Henrik who offered me his arm.

"Yes, Harry had the welcome speech and I agreed to have the goodbye speech," I said as Harry offered his arm to Her Majesty and the music began.

Henrik and I followed the pair inside as the doors opened and I smiled at the camera.

Her Majesty led the way to our seats before Harry stopped at the middle chair and Her Majesty stood behind. Henrik slid my chair out for me and I smiled before everyone took their place.

We stood standing as the anthem switched from Danish to Britain's anthem and I felt my eyes close. Once the song ended everyone turned to Her Majesty and she nodded for us all to sit.

I stood standing as she walked over to the microphone and smiled.

"Welcome! Welcome! Tonight we have the privilege of saying goodbye to Their Royal Highness the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Please help me welcome Isla, The Duchess of Sussex." She annouced and everyone clapped before I stepped towards the microphone.

I bowed to Her Majesty and I heard the camera's click before I stood up and stepped behind the microphone.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Welcome distinguished guests, members of the Royal Family and members of parliament. These two weeks my family and I have spent in Denmark touring will be one to remember." I began with a smile.

"Your Majesty the warm welcome you extended to my husband and to myself will forever warm my heart. You treated us like we were your family and spent so many outings with us. The relationship between Denmark and the United Kingdom will be favored for years to come."

"Though I say this might be our first visit here to Denmark I hope it is not our last. Once again I would like to thank Her Majesty and the members of the Royal Family for taking us in and showing us their wonderful country. Tak og nyd banketten." (Thank you and enjoy the banquet) I finished and everyone clapped.

I smiled at the cameras before I made my way to my seat beside Harry who grinned.

"You did amazing! I still don't understand how you are calm and I've been making speeches since I was fifteen years old." He said and I rolled my eyes as the first course was brought out.

"When we get home how long do we have to relax?" I asked as a waiter placed a cream soup in front of me.

"About a week. Then I'm joining Will and my father to Cornwall, you will be joining Granny to a church service in King's Lynn." He listed and I patted his arm before I went back to eating.

Much like in England when the Queen was done eating everyone had to finish. The waiters came and took the bowls away and the music began.

"May I have this dance?" Harry asked as he stood up and offered me his arm. I looked up at him and smiled before taking his hand and allowing him to pull me onto the dance floor.

Soon a slow song began to play and I wrapped my hand with Harry's as he placed one on my hip.

"I am so proud of you," Harry said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"For what?"

"This tour. All those engagements you had and dealing with Diana and planning her party as well. I am proud of you." He whispered and I smiled as I felt my eyes well up.

"Thank you, you do not know what those words mean to me," I said before he spun me around before bringing me close to him again.

"Don't you ever forget that." He whispered before the song ended and everyone clapped for us. As we broke apart I smiled when I saw Joachim walking towards me.

"May I have this dance now?" He asked and I let out a laugh before nodding.

"Of course you can! From what I heard you love to dance as much as I do." I said as an upbeat song began to play and Joachim quickly spun me around.

"Mother would have to drag me away from the dance floor." He said and I let out a laugh as we began dancing around the dance floor.

Once the song ended I fanned myself with my hand before making my way to my seat and grabbed my glass of water.

"Having fun?" Mary asked and I nodded as I sat down and turned to her.

"I love to dance. Harry has so many videos of me dancing around the house either with Diana or the dogs." I said and Mary shook her head.

"I am really sad you are all going home." She said and I smiled softly at her.

"Don't worry. I left my personal cell phone number with your secretary for her to give you. Call or text me at any time." I said and Mary grinned before she stood up and hugged me.

"Oh thank you, Isla! Hopefully, we can meet again and it won't be formally like this." She said before we pulled apart and I nodded.

"Of course we will. Harry, Fredrick, and Joachim are now friends. You can't get rid of me now."


@DailyMail_UK: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have officially finished their tour of Denmark

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@DailyMail_UK: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have officially finished their tour of Denmark. The royal family is on their way home to London as we speak!

This photo was taken of the couple on the sixth during their visit with Her Majesty to a local school. Hopefully, we can get another tour with the family of three!

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