Chapter Thirty: Kate's Pregnant

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Isla of Sussex

September 18th, 2014

I held Diana's hand as I closed the door and locked it up. 

"Where we go?" She asked as we began walking down the little street to Kate and Will's place. 

"To see Auntie Kate and your cousin Georgie!" I said as I held onto her diaper bag and her hand. 

"Georgie?" She asked and I nodded as we got tot he steps and we climbed up. I rang the doorbell and stepped back as I looked at Diana. 

As the door opened I looked and saw George's nanny Maria. 

"Hello, Maria! Is Catherine home?" I asked and Maria nodded. 

"Yes, she is upstairs resting. I was just about to take George to the park. May I take Diana as well?" She asked and I smiled as I looked down at my daughter. 

"Do you want to go to the park with Georgie?" I asked and Diana began bouncing up and down. 

"I believe she does," Maria said with a smile as she held her hand out for Diana to take. I took my phone and house keys out the diaper bag before Maria took it and let us inside. 

As I walked past them and up the stairs to the second floor to Kate's room I smiled at the family photos that lined the walls. 

The photo of the four of us at Will and Kate's wedding before the photo of the four of us at my wedding was right beside it. As I got to Kate's bedroom door I saw it was opened and knocked.

"Kate? It's me Isla! Are you alright?" I called out before I didn't hear anything. As I stepped inside I saw the bed was still messy but the bathroom light was on. 

As I walked closer to the door I heard her throwing up and closed my eyes to try not to gag. I stopped for a moment and thought back to the past couple of times when Will said Kate wouldn't be joining us and was feeling ill. 

I leaned against Kate's vanity as the door opened and out stepped Kate. 

"When were you going to tell the family your pregnant again?" I asked earning her to jump. 

"Bloody hell Isla! You almost gave me a heart attack!" She said as she went to hit me but I ducked it. 

"How far along are you?" I asked as I led her towards the bed for her to lay down. 

"About a month, nearly two. The morning sickness isn't as bad as it was with George but still." She said and I smiled as I took my shoes off and sat beside her. 

"Kate that's wonderful! Has William told any of the family?" 

"Yes, he said he was telling everyone today." She responded before my phone binged and I looked to see a text from Harry. 

"Oh yes! Harry just texted me that you're pregnant." I said with a laugh and Kate chuckled. 

"Where's Diana? I thought you were bringing my lovely niece?" 

"I did! Maria answered the door since you were upstairs hurling your brains out. She told me she was taking George to the park and offered to take Diana with her as well." I explained as I leaned back and smiled softly. 

"And we all know that Diana loves her Georgie!" Kate said with a laugh and I nodded. 

"I'm very happy for you Kate. I know the morning sickness takes a toll on your body. But I really am happy for you."

"Thank you, Isla. I was kinda scared to tell you because you and Harry have been trying since nearly March." 

"It's perfectly fine. I will get pregnant when I get pregnant." 

"Anyways, how was the opening ceremony?" Kate asked as she sat up and pressed the call button for the maid. 

"It was really good. Harry made us late because he wanted to shower together. But he was so nervous. For no reason, he did wonderfully." I explained and Kate laughed. 

"Harry really wants that second baby." She said with a laugh before the maid appeared and bowed softly. 

"Sorry to bother you guys but can I trouble you to send up some tea with biscuits? Plain biscuits?" She asked and the maid nodded before turning and walking out. 

"He really does. Nearly every chance. I have to hit him to keep him away." I said and Kate gasped as she covered her face with her hands. 

"I did not want to know that." 

"You asked!" 

"Not for detail" She laughed as she stood up. 

"Who would've thought we would be here? I saw you put up our wedding photos. Both of them." I commented and Kate nodded. 

"I never thought we would be here as well. And yes I did finally put them up! I love how within that long year you really did become our family! You and Harry look so much in love in that photo." She said and I smiled as the maid come again and placed the tray in the middle of us. 

I thanked her before reaching for my cup and pouring some tea. I dumped three sugar cubes in as I reached for the milk and poured some.

"You always take your tea so sweet?" Kate asked and I raised an eyebrow before nodding. 

"Normally I don't but today I do." 

"Hmm. What do you have planned for the rest of the month? You and Harry have been busy. Invictus Game opening, the four days, and then the closing ceremony. You have gone to nearly all your patrons." 

"Yes, it was busy my body needs rest! But all I have left is the Well Child Cermony in about three days with Harry." 

"Can I help pick your outfit?" 

"If you could stop throwing up long enough," I said with a laugh as I sipped my tea. Kate stared at me for a moment before picking up a sugar cube and throwing it at me. 

"Wasteful!" I said with a laugh and Kate giggled. 

"I can hold my hurl for an hour or two." 

"Really? You look as if you are going to hurl now." I said as she placed her teacup down and stood up. 

"That is because I am." She whispered before she rushed into the bathroom. I took a deep sip of my tea and nodded.

"I knew she was pregnant. I'm never wrong."

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