Chapter Thirty-Six: Remembrance Day 2014

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Isla of Sussex

November 11th, 2014

I smiled softly as I walked into the room in the Tower of London. Waiting for me was Kate, Sophie, Timothy, and Camila.

"You're cheeks look so rosy!" Sophie said as she hugged me.

"I know. Harry and Sarah were telling me that today when I was getting ready." I explained as an assistant handed me a program for today.

"Is Harry laying a wreath?" Camila asked and I nodded as I stepped towards Kate and grinned at her. Kate was forming a small bump.

"Are you okay?" I asked and Kate nodded.

"Yes I'm fine. The sickness was just getting to me today. How about you? Any more fainting spells?"

"Yes, after my engagement about two days ago once I got home I fainted in the nurse's arms. My mum nearly had a heart attack." I explained as I looked passed Kate and peeked out the window to see the crowd that was waiting for us.

"Alright everyone. It is time to go out. Sophie, you are with Timonthy while Kate and Isla are standing with me." Camila explained as the assistants opened the doors to the balconies and we made our way outside.

I smiled softly at the crowd before the three of us stopped at our marked spots and soon The Last Post began playing on the bugle.

I stood staring straight ahead as the song was being played. Once it was finished we all opened the program and I smiled when I saw the lists of songs that were going to be playing along with the poems.

I watched as a soldier walked towards the microphone and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket before he cleared his throat.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them."He read before he turned to Granny and bowed his head before turning and going back to his spot.

Another soldier walked to the microphone and smiled softly.

"We will now have our two minutes of silence." He announced. I folded my hands as I was taught so many times and closed my eyes thinking of all the people who have lost their lives fighting for us. And all of those in different countries fighting for their own.

When the two minutes were over the Poppy Petals song began and I saw Kate quickly rush to open her program again.

It was always my favorite to sing during the Remembrance Days. So many people have worked hard on these songs to honor everyone.

"Old soldiers never die. They simply fade they say. Is that the price I ask myself. That soldiers have to pay." We all began singing and I looked down to see if I could find Harry.

I grinned softly as I saw him standing in between his grandfather and his brother. He looked up and his eyes met mine before he winked at me.

I winked back at him before we went back to singing.

"Bugle notes and drum beats. Flash of sun on brass. He hears their call, his footsteps fall always on their long march past." We all finished singing before everyone was clapping.

Soon the lines began for all of the royals to step forward and place their wreaths. It would go usually in order that the people are for the succession.

But Her Majesty had called Harry yesterday and said he would be laying his wreath right after she laid hers.

We all watched from the balcony as Her Majesty stepped first and placed her wreathe down before she stepped backward three steps and lowered her head.

When she went back to her spot she nodded at Harry and he went next. I could help but feel so happy for Harry. Usually, he would have to wait for everything but now Her Majesty allowing Harry to do things Will would do first.

I grinned softly as Harry laid his wreath down and lowered his head.

After Harry was Prince William and he staggered for a moment earning me to gasp.

"Oh god."

"Is he gonna fall?" Kate asked but Camilia quickly shook his head.

"No, look he is fine. Don't worry." She quickly said and I frowned before Phillip placed his down and quickly went back.

It took about twenty more minutes for everyone to lay their wreaths down before the bugles began playing the Remembrance Song again.

I clapped along with everyone else when the song was finished before Camila turned inside and Kate turned and followed next. I went in after Kate and had to lean against Timothy who was waiting for me.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded as I looked down.

"I'm alright. I just need a proper meal." I explained as he led me over to a chair and helped me sit down. I inhaled softly as Kate handed me a glass of water and I quickly gulped it down.

I heard the door open quickly and Harry was standing in front of me.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he bent down in front of me and smiled softly.

"I'm alright darling. I just need a proper meal and I will be perfectly alright." I explained and Harry brushed some of my hair back and smiled at me.

"You look, beautiful darling." He whispered as he helped me up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you my love. You don't look too bad in your uniform."

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