Chapter Fifteen: Seeing Dad

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Isla of Sussex

April 10th, 2014

After dad had shown up towards the middle of Diana's birthday I had told him I would bring Diana over.

Harry was with William dealing with one of their patrons while I didn't have to work for two more days.

I sat in the car in front of my father's house with Diana in the back.

"We can do this right?" I whispered as I looked back at Diana who raised an eyebrow at me.

"At least I won't curse in English in front of you," I said as I turned the car off and climbed out of the car. I closed my door before opening the driver's back-seat and got Diana out of her car seat. I held onto her hand as I grabbed her diaper bag and closed her door.

I locked the car before looking up and staring at my father's house. He had moved back to the first house we ever owned in East London.

"Mummy?" Diana asked and I inhaled softly before looking down at her.

"Mummy is fine. Let's go." I said as the two of us began to walk up the walkway and to the house. I pressed the doorbell and looked down at Diana. I sent her a smile before the door opened and I saw my father standing there.

"Isla! And Diana! I'm so glad you guys came!" He said as he opened the door wider and we stepped inside.

"So are we. Say hello to grandpa, Diana." I said as I looked down at my daughter. She stared up at my father for a moment before hiding behind my leg.

"It's alright. She just doesn't know me yet." Dad said as he led us into the sitting room. I placed her bag on the sofa before I sat Diana down and sat beside her.

"So how are things? We haven't spoken since last Christmas when you were pregnant." Dad said and I stared at him.

"Things are well. I have this little one here and I just came back from my tour of Denmark. How about you?" I asked and Dad smiled.

"I've been spending time with your brother and Theo. Working. Nothing new really."

"Why did you move back here? You hated this place." I asked as Diana reached for her bag and I quickly pulled out the white bunny Harry bought for her the day she was born. Diana cuddled into the bunny and Dad chuckled.

"You had a stuffie just like that. Do you remember?" He asked and I smiled as I shared a look with him.

"Willie Caballo." (Willie the horse) I said and Dad chuckled.

"You took it everywhere. Now would you like some tea? I can get some biscuits for Diana here." He offered and I nodded as he stood up and went to the kitchen.

"Who that?" Diana asked and I smiled softly.

"He is my dad. Your grandfather." I explained and she cocked her head to the side and stared at me. Soon my dad came back with a tray and set it down.

"¿Todavía tomas Poca leche Pero Mucha azúcar?" (Do you still take little milk and a lot of sugar?) He asked and I smiled as I reached over and grabbed a biscuit and handed it to Diana.

"Sí, aún lo hago." (Yes, I still do.) I said and he nodded as he set up my cup for me.

"Are you going to teach her Spanish?" He asked as he handed me my tea.

"Little by little. Harry and I both want her to speak English just a little while longer before we start teaching her Spanish. She speaks more often." I explained and Dad nodded.

"You are still angry. I get it."

"I had and have every right to be angry at you. You spread lies to the media. You never told me my brother wasn't dead." I hissed before I felt Diana tense beside me. I stopped myself from saying anything more as I looked at my daughter.

I closed my eyes and inhaled softly before putting my cup of tea down and looking at my father.

"Lo Estoy dejando ir. Por Diana. Ella no necesita vernos pelear." (I'm letting that go. Because of Diana. She doesn't need to see us fight.) I whispered as Diana climbed onto my lap.

"Eres un padre mucho mejor que yo. O Alguna vez lo será." (You are a much better parent than me. Or I'll ever be.) Dad said and I pressed my cheek on Diana's head.

"We have to start heading out. We have a mommy and me group tomorrow morning." I whispered and he nodded as I stood up.

"That's fine. I thank you for coming to visit me and bringing this little one." He said as Diana reached for him. I let him hold for a moment as I fixed her bag.

"I might be tired of what you have done to be but if mum can change. So can you." I whispered as I grabbed Diana's bunny and shoved it in the bag.

"Will I see you two for Easter?" He asked as he placed Diana on the ground and walked us to the door.

"No, I have to join Her Majesty at Easter Service at Windsor Castle," I explained as I held Diana's hand and reached for my keys. I stared at my dad for a moment before smiling.

"¿Bendición?" (Blessing?) I asked earning him to smile as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Dios te bendiga." (God bless you.) He whispered and I smiled before I led Diana out of the house. I unlocked the car and opened her door and got her in the car seat before buckling her in.

I closed her door and climbed in the driver's seat and looked at my dad and saw him waving goodbye. I smiled softly before starting the car and taking off back to the palace where Harry was waiting for me.

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