Chapter Eleven: Normal Day

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Isla of Sussex

February 12th, 2014

I smiled as I stood Diana up and tried to get her to take a couple of steps as she did earlier. Yesterday we had taken her first birthday photos that we would release on her birthday.

During the photos, she took two steps before throwing herself on the ground and crawling the rest of the way.

"She still won't walk?" Harry asked as he walked inside with two Starbucks cups and placed my latte in front of me.

"Nope, she is determined to walk when we are not home," I said as someone knocked on the door and Harry groaned as he went back to the door and opened it. There stood Joachim and Marie.

"Harry! Isla! We heard you two had today off of all visits and we wanted to know if you guys wanted to join us for lunch." Joachim said as I stood up and placed Diana in front of me.

"Sure! Let us just put together Diana's bag and we'll make our way over to your part." I said and Harry nodded.

"Oh, it'll be wonderful! You can meet the children and we are having pizza for a normal day. Bacon, cheese, and my favorite sausage." Marie said before she turned around and walked to her side of the palace.

Joachim rolled his eyes before following his wife as Harry grabbed Diana's bag and began cheeking to see if everything was in there.

"Alright, Alice is out for a day to herself and will be back later," Harry said as I reached for my coffee and followed him out of the suite. We walked across the catwalk and toward the door labeled four. Joachim opened it and smiled.

"Pizza just got here and Marie is wrangling all the kids to sit down." He explained as we stepped inside and I set Diana on the ground and she began crawling around.

"Mary had told us she took two steps yesterday!" Joachim said and I nodded as Harry placed Diana's bag down on the sofa before he scooped Diana up and we followed Joachim into the dining room.

"She took two steps by herself yesterday and then threw herself on the ground. She'll walk if we are holding her hands though." Harry said before I saw four kids sitting around the table with Marie.

"Harry, Isla, and Diana. These are our kids. That is Nikolai, Felix, Henrik, and Athena." He said as he pointed to every single one of them.

"Hello, guys!" I said as I waved.

"I brought out Athena's old highchair. You can put Diana in it if you'd like." Marie said and Harry chuckled.

"We are! She's a runner. If you don't have eyes on her all the time you will lose her." Harry explained as he took the tray off the high chair and sat Diana down before strapping her in.

I sat on the left side of the table and Harry sat across from me with Diana as Marie began passing around plates for all of us.

I grabbed a small slice for Diana and cut up pieces before placing it in front of Diana and smirked as she grinned and picked up a piece.

"When do you guys leave?"

"The fourteenth. First thing in the morning." Harry stated as he poured himself a cup of pop before he grabbed another one for me.

"Have you enjoyed your time here?" Marie asked with a smile as Athena climbed in her lap.

"I did. I love traveling and since I got pregnant with Diana very quick into our marriage I couldn't travel with Harry." I explained with a smile as I bit into my pizza.

"When my mother told us you guys were coming we were very shocked. The last time any Britain royal came to visit I was a small boy." Joachim stated and Harry nodded.

"My grandmother wanted us to visit since when Isla went to Sweden she created a very huge bond with them," Harry explained and I shrugged.

"People love me," I said and Marie chuckled as she passed the box of pizza to Felix.

"We just wanted to have dinner with you personally before you left. Without the jewels, crowns, and cameras."

"Sometimes wearing those crowns gives me the biggest headache."

"I know! When I wore the crown on my wedding day my father kept asking me why I had a face." Marie said and I snorted turning to Harry.

"When Isla and I were taking our wedding photos she was rushing everyone! She wanted to rip that crown off her head." Harry said as he started laughing and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I was wearing a crown, a wedding dress with a long train and veil. I was ready for my after dress." I stated with a laugh and Joachim shook his head.

"The conversations we have. If only everyone can hear us. They would think we are mad."

"Well if we are made than everyone else is crazy," Harry said before Diana let out a squeal and I turned to her to see she was done with her pizza.

"She spends too much time with my mother and sister in law. They always feed her pizza." I said as I handed Harry a second piece to cut up for her.

"So have you began to plan her birthday party?"

"Yes! Invites should be going out when we return to England." Harry said before he sighed.

"Harry has been feeling emotional with Diana turning one. When we took her photos and she was walking with us he almost cried." I said and Harry shot me a look.

"My wife, everyone. Never on my side."

"I am always on your side! Just I will make fun of you when you get emotional." I said and Harry laughed as he stood up to take his trash out.

He stopped when he got to me before he threw his arms around me and pressed a kiss to my cheek and I felt my cheeks burn as I blushed.

"Though, you know I'll love you forever."

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