Chapter 104

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☆ Chapter 104 ☆

Lin Yin’s grandfather is called Zhao Mutou. He is a taciturn but very kind old man.

Seeing my daughter's family, my face blossomed with joy.

After getting two cents, Lin Yin was very happy, smiled brightly, and thanked her grandma and grandpa.

The second aunt Su Xiaochan was a woman with a somewhat weak personality. Seeing this, she quickly took out the New Year's money she had prepared, and Lin Yin's four brothers and sister each received another ten cents.

In addition to the two uncles, they also have an aunt who is here today. Her name is Zhao Yajuan.

Zhao Yajuan is an honest person and married to Sun Kui.

Sun Kui had a bad temper and often beat people, which made Zhao Yajuan's temper even more cowardly.

In particular, Zhao Yajuan has only given birth to two daughters over the years and has no sons. She cannot hold her head high in the Sun family. If her grandma Xu Hongmei hadn't been more powerful and had two brothers to support her, Zhao Yajuan's life would have been even more difficult.

Zhao Yajuan was obviously a little embarrassed when he saw that both brothers had given them lucky money. Sun Kui was sitting on the side, eating peanuts in his hands. When he saw this scene, he just curled his lips and had no intention of giving any lucky money to the children.

However, after so many years, everyone knew about Sun Kui's virtues and were too lazy to argue with him.

Since it was the child who had received the lucky money, Zhao Yanan quickly gave the prepared lucky money to three children, two children, and two nephews, each with ten cents.

Uncle Zhao Xiangdong has two sons. The eldest cousin Zhao Xiaoguang is 18 years old, graduated from high school and works as a teacher in the village primary school.

Second cousin Zhao Xiaofei, 17 years old, graduated from junior high school last year and has been staying at home. He likes carpentry and wants to be a carpenter in the future.

The eldest cousin Zhao Xiaoli is 16 years old and is in the third year of junior high school in the county middle school.

The second cousin, Zhao Xiaoqing, is 15 years old and is in the second grade of junior high school.

Third cousin Zhao Xiaochuan, ten years old, is in third grade in the village.

Zhao Yajuan gave birth to two daughters. The eldest daughter is called Sun Laixi. She is 14 years old and has never been to school.

The second daughter is Sun Laiqing. She is 13 years old. She went to elementary school for two years. Now she has dropped out of school and works at home to earn work points.

Zhao Yanan gave Sun Laixi and Sun Laiqing a dime each. The two sisters were a little ashamed and lowered their heads, obviously embarrassed. They were getting older and understood some principles, so they couldn't hold their heads up even more.

After giving away the New Year's money, Zhao Yanan took her sister Zhao Yajuan and went to the kitchen to work in the kitchen with her two sisters-in-law, while the men sat aside and played cards.

Lin Yin played with several older sisters. The eldest cousin Zhao Xiaoli stared at Lin Yin for a while and said with a smile, "Wu Ya, you have become more beautiful." The

second cousin immediately tilted her head and stared at Lin Yin's face. Then she exclaimed, "Oh, it's true, Wuya, you have really become more beautiful!"

The eldest cousin said with a smile, "As the saying goes, girls become more and more beautiful when they change. We, Wuya, will become more and more beautiful in the future. The prettier."

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