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" the moon looks scary, it could effect the animals!" Maisy  hid behind Jewel.
" oh come on darling, it's fine. It's really just the sun reflecting off the moon" Jewel and Maisy paced to catch up with Kal, Lizz and scarlet.
" this map is gonna be very long." Scarlet said.
" want to rest here for the night? We've been travelling for ages" she whipped out a sleeping bag and placed it under the shelter of a nearby tree.
" no, we can't. It's too late and the blood moon is out, any predator could easily kill us if we were sleeping" Kal pointed out.
" yeah, I guess your right." Scarlet put her sleeping bag back into her bag and they continued walking.
" scarlet!" Lizz yelled.
She turned her head and saw a shocked face on Lizz. She then turned her head back to see a huge, big spiked creature. Its skin was scaly and black, so it was quite hard to see in the thick darkness. But its eyes, its eyes were a deep red.
" kill it!" Kal shouted.
" stop!" Maisy raised her voice, and then quoted down.
" it's just affected by the moon, I can't talk to it." She then went over to the creature, and the rest tensed.
" it's okay, don't get angry. We were just passing by, that's all" Maisy hugged the creature, and its eyes faded to a cool blue.
" see guys, it's fine! We can go now!"
Scarlet thanked her and they headed on.
" do you think we will meet Opal on the way?"
Jewel asked, turning her head to Kal.
" maybe," he said.
" you never know. But we probably will, I'm pretty sure she was the only one to still live in the ancient ruins." Kal said, looking up at the sky.
" that blood moon is a threat."
" anyone could come and attack us. Especially rogue or evil elements." Kal looked down and frowned, as if he had experienced it himself.
" come on guys, let's hurry up." Scarlet commanded, and all 5 walked on.

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