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" okay, so what I will do is simple! But we are going to need some hair dye, and other things."Scarlet told the group.
" if we succeed this, Sophie will definitely become peace!" Scarlet laughed.
" she's coming!" Kal hissed.
" Kal, you idiot! Why can't I just get along with any of you! You always leave me out, I'm the most powerful element in this group. I can tear your heads off in minutes!" Scarlet suddenly transformed, she screamed as she got lifted into the air by a cascade of light.
" argh! What's happening!" Scarlet struggled and fighted her way out but couldn't.
Sophie watched in terror. " it's happening..." Sophie stared in shock, suddenly remembering....

" hello, elements" sunlight kneeled down to their level, smiling as she looked at the six young elements.
" your probably wondering why your here." Sunlight said.
" who are you?" A girl with brown hair asked, wearing a white dress just like the others.
" sorry coco, I forgot to introduce myself. I am your creator. I live in the sky, where you are right now. You're going to be going to a place called magestia soon, if you complete the test."
Coco hugged sunlight, the warmth soothing her.
" now listen, you must stick together for this challenge, and there is always a leader. I have made your leader, and her name is Sophie" sunlight pulled out her hand, waiting for Sophie to go on.
" this is your leader. It's who you must listen to, and she will protect you. But you must protect everyone. You cannot rely on Sophie all the time dears. Must I remind you all have elements, too." Sunlight pointed a girl with thick blonde hair, and unnatural pink eyes.
" you, my dear. Your element is forgiveness. You must forgive the people who hurt you, and seek forgiveness yourself. Your name in magestia is summer." Sunlight then touched heads with summer, despite who huge sunlight was.
" and you, coco. Your element is love. You must show love to those you love, and value your loved ones." Sunlight touched heads with coco, just like she did with summer.
Sunlight then trailed her finger through both until she touched another girl with light blonde hair, and sapphire eyes.
" you, my dear. You are Opal, elemental of trust. You are the most trustworthy member of your group, and you must trust aswell as be trusted for everyone you see." She touched heads with Opal.  Her eyes moved to a girl with beach blonde hair.
" ah, you Sabrina. Your element is avenge. You must avenge those who have done right in the world, and show that avenging will never be revenge." Sunlight smiled. The blonde girl nodded and touched heads.
" now, you my dear Izzy. Your element is creativity! You must show your imagination and creativity, and show the people of magestia what wonders it holds, and when something bad happens, to look for the light." The ginger hairs girl crept forward, touching heads with sunlight.
" and now, of course,you. Sophie. Your element is peace. You will be the one in charge of beast only you withhold the power to slay. Your job is to take care of the people of magestia and the next generation of elements, which haven't been made yet. Your power is the strongest of any kind, and with it you must use it for good and not evil." Sunlights eyes gleamed, touched heads with the last element.
" thank you, Sunlight" Sophie smiled.
" now, let the game begin! The rules are simple, you all must use your element and work together in this. You each have a power, which will be revealed. If you fail, you'll be sent to moonlight. The keeper of evil. You must keep your act as your element, because if you don't...your evil personality will take over. For example." Sunlight took summer, element of forgiveness.
" moonlight isn't here, she lives in the dark forest, but I'll make a trick allusion." She tapped summer gently on the head. Suddenly she got lifted into the air, and summer went a pale grey colour, her pink eyes went dark and reddish, and her hair went darker.
" hello, rejection." Sunlight said, showing no mercy in her voice.
" go away! I don't forgive you for turning me into this." Summer growled.
" see, this example is perfect. Now I'll turn her back" she tapped again and her hair lightened, her eyes beautiful and pink again.
" woah," Sophie exclaimed.
" that was so scary!" Sabrina said.
" don't worry, guys. We are a group. We will not let this happen" Sophie said, smiling at her new group.

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