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After scarlet has explained her dream to the 4, Lizz burst out laughing.
" are you sure you weren't just dreaming like- not as in a sign or something?" She laughed.
" yes! This is serious, can't you see!" Scarlet hissed.
" listen, scarlet wouldn't lie to us. And if you believe in our powers and elements then why not believe in omens and prophecy's or signs in your dreams?" Kal pointed out. He began walking further ahead, looking back as scarlet replied: thank you, Kal. Atleast someone understands!
He nodded and looked back.
Jewel and Maisy were behind them all, chattering away not bothered by the other conversation.
" you two alright back there?" Lizz asked.
" yeah, it's just Maisy is a little uneasy about the whole thing with Leo being trapped and meeting Opal." Jewel informed.
Maisy looked away, too embarrassed.
" hey, look! There are dark clouds coming this way!" Kal pointed to the sky, his eyes widening.
" this is bad, how will we get through it?" Jewel asked.
" let's hope it passes us," scarlet said, and crossed her fingers in hope. Scarlet paced over to Kal.
" are you okay?" She asked Kal, the element of honesty.
" I know you can't lie to me, your honesty in flesh" she giggled a bit and then stayed quiet.
Kal looked away. " I'm fine it's just, I miss Leo. He was my only best friend and now I feel so lonely and lost without him. What if he isn't even alive?" He looked down at the grass.
" don't worry, Kal. I'm sure we will find him and he will be safe...." Scarlet mumbled the last part, as she started feeling droplets of rain fall onto her. It was now raining. The thunder sounded like fists banging in the suddenly dark, purplish sky.
Lighting zapped.
" No!" Maisy screeched.
" don't worry, follow me! There is shelter over by the sign. I opened my vision earlier!" Jewel shouted, as it was hard to hear due to the battering of rain.
Kal took scarlets hand and ran to the shelter, Jewel and Lizz just behind with Maisy. but just then, thunder cracked once more.
Maisy stood still.
" nononono!" Scarlet yelled.
" Maisy, please, come over here!" They were all in the shelter by now, but Maisy was still 7 minutes behind them.
" Maisy!" Scarlet yelled once more.
Maisy looked up, and saw lighting and thunder, and she screamed and ran round in circles.
Jewel leapt out of the shelter and ran for Maisy.
" please come Maisy!" She yelled. The strong wind felt like shards of glass, the rain feeling like bullets. Lighting was close by. They had to hurry up.
" Maisy come over please!" Jewel ran to her, and picked her up and got back to the shelter. They were both soaking wet- they all were.
" Maisy, are you alright?" Jewel asked, trying to fix her hair.
" yes...thank you, I would have never got out of that storm if it weren't for you!" She hugged Jewel. They smiled and returned to the group.
" so, should we wait for the storm to go?" Scarlet asked.
" yeah I suppose," Kal said.
They waited for the thunder to leave, all breathing heavily from running.

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