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Scarlet floated around, trying to pick herself back up.
" where am i?" She looked around. It was all black.
" where am I!" She shouted.
Suddenly  Sophie's face appeared in the background.
" your in my void, you fell into it when you tried attacking me! I'm gonna have loads of fun tormenting your friends, scarlet!" Sophie laughed.
" how do I get out!?" Scarlet knew Sophie was no help, but she tried anyway.
" to find the exit you cannot stay in control, then you are free and your friends might be too" Sophie glitched off the screen, and left Scarlet dumbfounded.
" what does that mean!" She turned her head. Everywhere was black.
" how am I suppose to not be 'in control' when there is nowhere to show it!"
She swam on.
She then stopped. There was a glare of light ages away, and Scarlet knew she had to get there.
" alright, I'll just magic me some wings and I can get there!" Scarlet used her wand to give her wings, but the wings slowly shredded away into the darkness.
" what? I can't use magic?" Scarlet said.
She could hear the manic laughter of Sophie slowly fading.
" she isn't peace, she's chaos! She is evil."
Scarlet panicked.
There was nothing she could do, Sophie was the most powerful element, and in her chaos form she was even more powerful.
" I need to get out of here!" Scarlet tried to look for the light she had seen earlier, but it had disappeared.

" what am I going to do?" Scarlet floated in the darkness, confused and scared.

" stop her!" Jewel shouted as she took out here silver staff and Aimed it on Sophie.
" I wouldn't try that, dear." Sophie said the last part in a demonic, robot type of voice.
Maisy and Jewel looked up.
Sophie was about 12 ft already, but now she was even bigger, when Sophie turned around, Maisy saw her face. Her eyes were huge, purple inside and yellow spirals inside too. Her teeth were as sharp as her claws, and Maisy realised they could not win this, and that they needed scarlet for help.
" what's wrong, Maisy? We are just getting started!" Sophie grinned and took out her staff again, but this time, she put it back and used her hand instead.
Maisy looked shocked. How did Sophie know what she was feeling?
Suddenly, a huge purplish-black blast erupted from behind her.
" we have to do this!" Jewel told her.
Jewel leaned out and took Maisy's hand.
" we can do this." They both climbed up a mountain, Leo just behind whilst Kal distracted Sophie.
" okay, Leo, ready?" Jewel said.
" readier then ever!" Leo exclaimed.
" listen, if I die doing this, I just want you to know that I love you all. Wish me good luck!" Leo nodded and flew up.
" hey, the lord of chaos! I'm here!" Leo waved.
Sophie turned around, she took her staff and flipped it ready to fight.
" you wanna play, huh? Alright then." Sophie growled, and jumped up.
Leo looked around.
" where is she?" He thought.
Then a glimpse of Sophie's hair appeared.
She sized herself very small, and Leo didn't know what to do.
" Leo, you know you can't win. Neither of you can!" Sophie hissed in his ear, the words echoing in his mind.
" we can't do this," Leo looked at the mountain where they all where, trying to get the amulet to stop Sophie.
Sophie's grin widened.
" no! Don't say that, we can!" Kal screamed.
Now Sophie knew what was happening.
" you think you can get away that easily? Ha! You have to be joking!" Sophie lunged for Kal but Lizz blocked her.
" no!" Kal shouted.
Lizz fell to the floor, damaged by Sophie's reckless act of power.
" what did you do!" Kal screamed.
" I did a small trick, Kal. So what?" Sophie laughed.
Kal looked at Lizz and saw her breath slowly fading.
" no, this can't happen!" Kal bent down to where she lay.
" Kal, all I ever wanted to do was help. This was my way of helping, by saving you from that beast. I've never really felt apart of the elements of friendship. So maybe this was all meant to happen, but who really knows? All I ever wanted to share was joy and laughter. And I think I've done just that. Goodbye, Kal." Lizz's eyes were clouded with pain. This was the end, Kal thought.
" no, please you can't go! I love you!" Kal admitted.
" I love you too..." Lizz turned her head, her eyes and mouth wide open. She was dead.

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