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Scarlet backed up as fast as she could, shivering from the sudden bump from the tree behind her.
Sophie crawled over to meet her eyes.
" how are you here! Kal put you in that intergalactic jail thing!" Scarlet looked around for anything. To get Sophie with, but nothing by was around except for grass.
" I know," Sophie got back up, and dusted her hands off. " but did you really think an element- from the new friendship group- and who is one of the weak elements, honesty could kill me?" Sophie pointed out.
" Kal isn't weak!" She shouted, anger flaring in her eyes.
" oh come on, I think we both know the truth. Kal is the element of honesty. Anything I could ask him he'll tell me. Same goes for laughter, I did you guys a favour killing Lizz." Sophie smiled, wide just like before. But her eyes didn't look chaotic as they did, because she wasn't in her powerful form.
" how could you say that! Kal has been crying ever since you killed her!" Scarlet lay back on the cold earthy grass, curling herself in a tight ball.
Sophie magically put her in the air, then back down. Scarlet was now standing up.
" why are you talking to me, anyway!" Scarlet huffed.
" I'm talking to you because we have the same problem," Sophie proclaimed.
" and what's the problem! I-I don't have a problem!" Scarlet squealed like a child.
" yes, you do. Can you explain why you're out here, and not in your tower?" Sophie picked her up and moved her to where the tower was visible.
Scarlet stayed silent.
" your group discard you, too?" She asked.
Sophie nodded.
Maybe I can make her better person, and then I wouldn't be alone anymore, scarlet thought.
" now, I'm here to make a deal. If you let me stay at this tacky tower of yours for how long I want, to prove to my group what fun I am of course, then I'll give you guys back Lizz." Sophie said.
Scarlet thought. This was a great deal, but who knows what she might do in the tower?
She sighed. " okay fine."
Sophie outstretched her hand, " so it's a deal, then." She smiled wide just like earlier.
They shook hands, and scarlet was surprised to know that Sophie's hand was actually clean ( lol )

+ THE ELEMENTS OF POWER +Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang