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The sun was at its highest point, and scarlet knew it was time.
" okay, let's do this!" Jewel yelled.
Maisy took out the book and flipped through some pages.
" here," she pointed to the ritual symbol they had to write with chalk.
" Lizz, get the chalk and copy this symbol onto the concrete." Scarlet instructed.
" I'll place the candle." Leo took the red candle and placed at the tip of the symbol.
" okay, now for the titans blood." Kal took it and poured it into a five pointed star.
" now all we must place is the amulet." Scarlet said, and Jewel crept forward to place it in the middle.
" to activate the amulet, you must tap it three times, and all of us must hold hands and chant the words, we summon Sophie, in order to protect." Scarlet told them.
" okay" Jewel tapped it three times gently and they held hands in a circle.
" WE SUMMON SOPHIE, IN ORDER TO PROTECT, WE SUMMON SOPHIE IN ORDER TO PROTECT" they all chanted. They repeated it three times, and soon enough the amulets yellow spirals started glowing.
" keep going!" Scarlet said.
The chalk started glowing purple, and the the brightness of the day had vanished. It was purple and dark, all scarlet could see was the glowing chalk and amulet.
The chaos amulet flew into the sky, and shaked little. The yellow spirals started to spin, and the amulet aggressively shaked until it fell back down.
A storm brew, and it started to rain.
" quick, go under that tree!" Scarlet shouted.
They all hid under the tree, peering over to see what was happening.
The titans blood had soaked into the symbol, but was washed away by the rain.
Scarlet watched as the purple glow and the amulets power slowly faded away, and the chalk and Titans blood were not in sight.
" where is it all?" Scarlet asked.
The rain had stopped, and the storm was gone. It was pale and sunny but foggy.
" w-what is that..." Maisy pointed to a very tall figure in the distance.
" I don't know..." scarlet tried hiding, but clearly the figure could sense her.
" I hope you're prepared, Scarlet." The figure grinned, and then came over to the tree they were hiding behind.
" get ready, scarlet." A voice sounded behind her.
She turned around to see a very tall figure with eyes that's had the same yellow swirls from the amulet.
" your S-Sophie..?" Scarlet asked.
Sophie pulled her staff out.
" you could say that," Sophie said, " but I prefer Sophie, the lord of chaos."
She was very tall, and had her curly hair tied up.
I can't fight her, she has chaos magic! Scarlet panicked.
" what's taking so long, Scarlet? You know you're gonna lose either way" Sophie sounded her staff around and stomped it to the ground. A huge portal opened, revealing the chaos realm Maisy had been through.
" I can do this." Scarlet breathed.
She got up, and went out.
" scarlet, so good to finally see you!" Sophie laughed, her eyes spiralling.
" your not peace!" Scarlet spat.
Sophie looked taken aback.
" peace has been gone for as long as I can remember!" Sophie hissed and clicked her fingers. Suddenly there was 10 of her, all surrounding Scarlet.
" fight!" Sophie screamed.
Sophie closed her eyes, and a powerful orb transformed her into a hippogriff.
" fight me!" She lunged in for Scarlet and tackled her to the floor. She then flew up, her wings beating as she flew, and forced herself back down.
" scarlet, look out!" Maisy called.
She quickly ducked and Sophie missed.
Scarlet tried running for Sophie, but Sophie moved out the way to reveal a portal.
" no!"

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