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Suddenly, the doors opened. Inside was a huge, purple and yellow portal- this must be the entry.
Scarlet walked inside in hopes it was some trick Sophie was pulling, like Sophie did  when she was back at the tower. It had almost been a month since.
A huge blast of colours lit up in scarlets face, making her have a headache.
She then fell to the floor, and once she had moved her head up she realised she was inside.
" yes!" She dusted herself off and looked around.
" now, I have to look for Sophie."
She searched the front room,  it was awfully messy inside. She saw a picture, of Sophie and her friends....just like the one she had seen in  Sophie's room. Yet, Sophie looked different. Her hair wasn't as curly, and her eyes weren't chaotic. They were sapphire blue, and she was smiling with her- well what seemed to be, element  group.
She then switched rooms.
The other one didn't have much in it, but a fire pit and a huge picture up on the wall, there was also some writing on it. However, it was too faint to read.
The picture itself was confusing, as it had a picture of Sophie on it, but then half of the person was like how Sophie looked in the photo.
She then looked down at the bottom of the image. It said, ' serenity'.
What is serenity? She thought.
It was clear Sophie wasn't here, so she quickly scanned the other rooms and left the temple feeling annoyed.
" I wish I saw her." She said aloud.
Suddenly, she heard a cling, and when she looked down she saw what seemed to be a hallucination bomb of some kind.
Oh no! I have to run away from it!
She thought. But it was too late, and she had already breathed it in.
She fell to the floor within a minute, closing her eyes as if she were to sleep.

Scarlet got up from the inky looking ground, and titled her head up.
" where am I..?"  She looked around, it looked as if she were in a cartoon.
" hello there, scarlet." She could hear a mic-hogging voice sounding from behind her.
" Opal?" She asked looking at her weirdly.
" why are you here? And why do you sound like that" she asked.
" do you need help?"
" with what? Shouldn't you be looking for cane?" She looked around.
" and where am I?"
Opal titled her head.
" I'll just follow you" she insisted, but scarlet denied.
" no, you won't!I don't need you, I can do this shit on my own so easily,Well, whatever it is anyway.." suddenly she got pulled into a muddy area by some strange mud-like creature.
" but you don't want to do things alone, scarlet!" An echoing voice said, and scarlet looked up to see Kal. She was about  to respond, but got pulled away by someone who was black and white, they threw scarlet in the air.
" you think you won't become evil too? I mean, if you follow in Sophie's tracks!" A voice hissed. It was Maisy.
She pulled scarlet down, laughing devilishly.
Scarlet stared in fear as Maisy threw her away in pink mud. She saw it take form of Lizz.
Lizz started to crawl towards her, mud dripping off.
" yet you still push your hardest for those who don't even care about you, even when to them your a selfish, shitty shit leader!" The voice echoed, and scarlet didn't know what to say. Lizz grabbed scarlets face as she said it, her eyes starting to spiral with evil. Scarlet pushed her away  and turned to see some, very random, stairs with muck and black ink.
She ran for them, racing as all the people she had seen formed into mud again, except for Opal, who was walking towards scarlet.
Suddenly she bounced back from the stairs, and then looked up to see what happened. She heard a voice. " are you afraid to like me, scarlet?"
She recognised the voice at once. It was Sophie. And when she looked up the aray of stairs, she could see her sitting in a fancy chair, with two people fanning her. Scarlet was scared, but walked up the stairs whilst hearing Opal:
" I believe your self conscious is trying to tell you that can simply not fathom proper intimacy, yet also craving aswell. It's rather unfortunate, magic. Considering it's often how you treat those who stand by you, such as myself." Suddenly Opal picked up a piece of golden ink that was on the stair, and she changed into a lovely outfit. Scarlet on the other hand was kneeling next to Sophie, sad at the thought of all of this.
" are you worried I might have a enough of it one day aswell?" Opal asked, looking as evil as ever, just like the others did.
" stop fucking talking all of you!" She screamed, getting sad and angry.
Suddenly, Opal disintegrated with gold feathers, looking her eyes glaring with sin. She turned around,  Sophie showed no emotion as she went.
" no, Sophie!" She tried going after her, but all she had saw were feathers.
She then saw the brown, grey and pink mud clear away.

She opened her eyes.

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