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" Kal, are you sure about this? The titan is a huge beast," Leo  told him.
" very, and I know exactly the way how to slay a Titan. I've done it before." Kal said.
" now I'm gonna do this alone. See you later, guys. Stay at the house, okay?"
Kal walked off into the woods, leaving the group behind to watch him in fear that he might never come back.

Kal finally got to the cave, after a long walk, it had felt like ages ago when he had left.
" I know your here, Titan. Beast. So come out, so I can make this easy." Kal called out.
Finding them was hard, but not if you underestimate them.
" your a terrible fighter, you know" Kal called out once more, and then heard the growl of a titan.
" that's it," Kal gestured with his hand to come over.
The beast opened its mouth until it almost unhinged, showing 5 rows of razor like teeth. Its amber eyes glowed with anger, and suddenly it swayed a gigantic claw at Kal.
It missed.
Kal quickly took out an ancient sword, since his power was not useful here.
He slashed at the titans shoulder, but missed.
The Titan rumbled and darted for him, its head down so it could pierce Kal with its horns.
And just as it was about to, Kal dodged.
The beast looked around as Kal hid, and it gave him time to get to the monster before the creature came at him.
" aha!" He laughed and cut through the Titans tail, which only caught on it abit, but was enough for the blood.
He tried taking a bottle to get the sample, but the Titan had crept moving about, trying to claw at Kal.
" nearly there!" He yelled.
He quickly took the sample and ran out, the beast flew away and retreated.

"Guys!" Kal halted to a stop.
" it's been hours! Finally! Did you get it?" Jewel asked.
" yes I did" Kal showed them the bottle.
" great! Now all we need it the amulet, right?" Leo asked Maisy.
" yeah, but I don't know how we will get it" Maisy shrugged.
The othered looked away, clearly not knowing what to do.
" we can't give up now," scarlet told them.
" we will find the amulet. And I so have a place it might be in mind,"
Strongly determined, scarlet took at stand so the others could see what she was imagining.
" we can do this!"

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