Part 6

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"No more waiting!" *The penguin screamed as items were thrown across the back seat of the car.* "Stop at the nearest store." *Quickly, they were speeding down the road for Cobblepot to get some decent gifts.* "I'm gonna see her and give her all the things she wants... I Helped her with her parents. She should be more thankful..." *He pondered as he grabbed different gifts ranging from flowers to diamonds,* "She just needs more before she can be thankful, she's high and classy." *Oz frantically babbled to himself as the criminal bought every gift he saw. Once back in the car, he called her place of work and had a bouquet of flowers sent there.* "Go back to where she is. It's time to end these games."


*She smiled to herself as they chatted.* "Yeah, my father actually picked my name." *She watched the man speak calmly, adjusting his glasses every now and then.* "Okay, Jonathan, tell me a bit more about how we'll be working together." *She glanced up from her notebook only to lock eyes with the already-staring man. She finally got a good chance to study his features. She listened to him speak. She would nod or smile to show she was listening to him.* "You know, the fear response in a human is something that's intrigued me for years." *She stated calmly, thinking of all the times she would try to scare her brother.*


*Alex had been sitting on that same bench for around twenty minutes now, not wanting to do much of anything. Suddenly, she saw Dave approaching her, a lavish bouquet in his hand. *"Here, these are for you."* He told her, handing them over. Alex scoffed. *"Dave, this is really sweet, but I come in to save animals on my day off all the time, how has today been any different?"* Dave held up his hands. *"Oh, they're not from me. Someone sent them to the main office, and the note said you needed to get them immediately."* He explained before walking away. Alex frowned, noticing a card in the middle of the bouquet. She removed it and opened it, finding herself staring at only one, two-letter name. But it was enough to make her pulse quicken and her mind race with concern. 'Oz', it read. *"No, no no no, how did that FREAK know I was thinking about him!?"* She began to shake out of anger and she threw the flowers to the ground, stomping on them. *"He's stalking me! STALKING ME!"* She screamed, not caring that she was drawing the attention of nearby zoo guests. *"I need to get out of here."* Alex raced to the entrance of the zoo, completely forgetting that she had brought Harleen with her. All she was focused on was getting home. But when she got to the parking lot, she stopped dead in her tracks, noticing an all too familiar black car with the license plate 'Penguin' parked right by her Jeep.*


*"I was thinking for your first couple of days, you could sit in and observe how I do things so you can understand my rhythm of how I work."* He explained when she asked him to tell her how they would be working together. *"I do have to let you know that I like to experiment-I wouldn't be as successful if I didn't. That won't be a problem, will it?"* He watched Natalie shake her head, her Hollywood curls bouncing. *"You know, the fear response is a human is something that has intrigued me for years."* She told him, gently batting her eyelashes. Jonathan thought she was adorable. *"Yes, it is quite interesting, isn't it."* He said, admiring her features as she watched the waiter approach.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now