Part 8

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*"Stop. Stop. Stop! STOP!" *He yelled in return, his eye twitching as the blonde yelled at him. It was almost comical how they were arguing back and forth, hands being thrown around and the sorts.* "You are a MANIAC!" *Harleen yelled in the sleazy man's face, poking his suit as she yelled.* "I'm not here for you, you crazy nut! I'm here to get MY Alex back," *He turned to face the brunette girl cowering behind the blonde,* "Because I love her and she belongs to me-" *Before he could continue Harleen pushed him back, bravely taking a stand in front of her friend again.* "HEY. Maybe she doesn't like you 'cause YOU'RE the nut! Stay away from her!!" *She practically spat the words like venom in his face. Oz's face turned into a nasty scowl. The words hurt to hear, yet he tried to stay stoic, ignoring her and turning back to Alex.* "I'm not done with you, I love you." *He stated, as if she was some challenge to win, as he pointed towards her before getting in the car.*


*She was a bit embarrassed that she didn't have a ride, she hardly ever drove at all. She felt her cheeks heat up at the situation.* "I'd really appreciate that, Jonathan." *She smiled as she left the tip on the table and gathered her notes. She followed Jonathan to his car, watching him as he rattled his pockets for his keys. He walked to the passenger side and opened the door for her,* "Oh, thank you." *She gave him a sweet smile. Though she spent years studying the human mind, the smallest gestures made her forget everything. Her mind wondered what her future work days would be like. She wondered how the experiments would happen; she was very excited about it, more than she'd care to admit she was.*


*"Alex couldn't even make it to her car before she broke down in the middle of the parking lot, falling to her knees and clutching at her hair, threatening to pull it out.*"Why won't he leave me alone? Why am I a prize to him?"* Harleen knelt down and helped Alex up. *"Because, as much as you hate it, he-"* Alex held up her hand. *"I know. I know. He LOVES me."* Alex huffed, going to her Jeep and getting in. *"Hey, are you okay to drive hun?"* Her friend asked, getting in the passenger side. *"Yes."* Alex said curtly, turning on her music and blasting some metal. As she drove away, Harleen could tell Alex was getting too upset, so she tried to talk some sense into her friend, but Alex only turned up the music while she ranted about Oswald. *"I mean, who the hell does he think he is? He's a lunatic! He belongs in Arkham! Doesn't he understand I hate his guts?!"* Because of the blasting music and her anger, Alex didn't realize how fast she was going, or that she was about to run a red light. *"ALEX!"* Harley shouted, pointing ahead of them to the intersection, where a Rolls Royce was pulling out. Alex screamed and slammed on the brakes, steering her Jeep to the right, but it still wasn't enough to prevent them from crashing, driver's side first, into the Rolls Royce's passenger side.*


*Jonathan opened the passenger's side door for Natalie, melting inside when she thanked him and smiled sweetly. Jonathan then got in and turned the car on. *"What music do you like to listen to?"* Natalie shrugged. *"Whatever you want is fine."* Jonathan decided to put on what he was listening to before- classical. *"If this is too boring, I can change it."* But Natalie shook her head. *"No, no, it's relaxing, I don't mind it."* Jonathan grinned. He had so much in common with Natalie, it was amazing. He'd never felt so connected to anyone before. The pair listened to Danse Macabre in a comfortable silence as they enjoyed a peaceful drive to Wayne Manor. In fact, they were at an intersection only two miles away from the gates to the manor and Jonathan noticed Natalie almost dozing off when suddenly, she tensed up and pointed out her window. *"Jeep! JEEP!"* Jonathan gasped, but it was too late, there was nowhere he could go. He watched in horror as the Jeep slammed into Natalie's side of the car.*

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