Part 28

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*He beat the man with his cane. That still wasn't enough. He tossed the cane to the side and started using his fists. Blood splattered all over the floor and wall.* "Jeez, is she gonna fall for his tricks or is he gonna fall for hers?" *One goon asked the other as they watched the Penguin beat the man to death. He was losing it over Alex Kyle- which seemed to be something he did often.*


*"Do you feel safe here?" *Natalie noticed her energy shift but wanted to help her rather than scare her more. She continued to play with the Lucifer as the conversation progressed.* "He said he'd leave me alone..." *She sighed, rubbing her temple softly.* "I don't know if he's telling the truth." *Natalie looked up to meet Alex's gaze.* "Why don't you call Harleen to stay with you? Is there anyone else you can rely on other than her?" *Alex made a face at how Natalie worded her sentence. It sounded like work with imposing questions. She didn't mean anything by it, and she didn't know about Selena.* "Um... Not really anyone other than Harley." *Jonathan noted how the injured girl didn't mention her sister. Maybe that could be used if he just had more information.* "Please have her stay with you. It's much too unsafe by yourself." *Alex shook her head, making Jonathan roll his eyes again. This time Natalie caught it, sending him a warning look, though it held no intimidation behind it.* "I don't wanna bother her." *This time Jonathan caught Alex's attention and cocked his eyebrow at her when she said that specific statement. He loved his mind games. Natalie gasped, causing Lucifer to meow.* "Oh, nonsense! Harleen loves you, anyone can tell. Of course, she'd be willing to help her best friend." *Alex knew it had to be done, but didn't want to have to rely on more people again.* "You know, it's okay to ask for help." *Natalie reassured her as Jonathan stood observing in the corner.*


*She wished Natalie wasn't so kind. it made it hard to dislike her. However, although Natalie was right, Alex didn't want to admit it. It was a conflict she dealt with so often. Alex hated HATED people... but being alone scared her so much. She drove people away but yearned for them at the same time. Alex stroked Lucifer as he padded his way over to her lap, snuggling into her. *"I'm sure with Lucifer here, I'll be okay."* Jonathan snorted slightly. *"And how are you going to bathe? Or cook food? Or feed your cat?"* Natalie face-palmed herself. *"Ugh, Jonathan, will you PLEASE stop? You're not making things any better."* Now pissed that Natalie had scolded him, Jonathan turned on his heels. *"I'll be waiting in the living room."* Alex looked disappointedly after him. Natalie noticed and asked: *"Did you dress that way to impress him?"* Alex nodded slightly, hating how easily Natalie could read her. *"Well, they do say, never meet your heroes."* Alex rubbed her temples. *"I mean, it's just so frustrating! I would admire men who were stoic and crude when I was with Ozzy because he doted too much! But now that I'm facing Dr. Crane... I think I despise this even more."* Natalie giggled. *"You just have to pour on enough charm to make him crack."* Alex gestured to herself with her good hand. *"Oh yeah, and I'm just full of charm."* Natalie put a gentle hand on her shoulder. *"I just think you need to work through some stuff and get over Oswald. Then you'll see how awesome you truly are."* Alex was taken aback by this. She was used to Harley validating her, but now someone new actually seemed to care. Alex's phone suddenly started going off, scaring Lucifer into Natalie's lap. Alex frowned. It was Greg, one of her colleagues. *"Hello? Woah woah, Greg, slow down, calm- what? Wh-WHAT? Oh no... I can't, I have people over. Yeah, I know that's a surprise, but- no- GREG! Oh shit."* Alex dropped her phone onto the bed and shook her head sadly. *"What?"* Natalie asked. Alex stared blankly at her hands. *"One of my favourite colleagues, Dave, was found under an overpass... dead."*


*Jonathan paced the living room floor. Why did Ms. Kyle get to be honest, but he didn't? It wasn't fair. While he was waiting for Natalie to be done, he glanced around Alex's apartment. All of the furniture was grey or black, with the occasional hints of green. She had a lot of random trinkets lining her shelves, mostly having to do with death or the afterlife. *"Interesting,"* he muttered, his eyes scanning the dark walls. Adorning them were black and white photos of Alex when she was singing at clubs, all of them signed by her, as well as professionally taken photos of the animals she worked with at the zoo, also in black and white. There were no pictures of her and Harley or her colleagues, and he was beginning to think she didn't have any of her family either until his eyes landed on one, small photo tucked away behind a fake plant. He picked it up and looked at it. Alex couldn't have been more than five years old in the photo. She had a snake draped around her neck while Selena looked terrified, hiding behind their parents. *"So, Selena doesn't like snakes..."* He smirked. He then looked to the ground and found a vent. He knelt and took a small vial filled with fear serum from his jacket. *"I'll save this for later."* He said to himself, dropping the vial into the grate. He heard Natalie come out of the room, so he stood and fixed his glasses. *"All done?"* he asked. Natalie shook her head. "*Uh, no. We... have a problem."* Jonathan wanted to punch something. He rarely got so frustrated, but this was ridiculous. How many more problems were these damn sisters going to cause him?!*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now