Part 11

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*It didn't matter who she hit, he'd do anything to protect her.* "Those people don't seem like they play too lightly." *He hummed as he tapped his fingers on the counter he was leaning against. He luckily renovated an empty warehouse into a makeshift hospital for emergencies.* "No... No, I talked to Natalie Wayne earlier. She was really sweet." *Alex fought back, trying to revolt against Oz any way she could.* "I wouldn't trust them with you, Alex, I wouldn't trust anyone." *He leaned down to look into her eyes, hovering over the bed. He gently placed a hand under her chin and brought her head up to stare into his eyes,* "You're too precious for anyone, Alex. I just wanted to protect you." *His eyes held sincerity as he watched her face for any signs of forgiveness.*


*Natalie enjoyed being held; it had been so long she someone did. She quickly shook her head of those thoughts. 'My head's just shook up from the wreck... I'm seeking comfort..' She rationalized her feelings as she nodded.* "She seemed to be in distress. Something really does seem up about it all." *She noted as she tried to stand. She was very weak from the wreck, the adrenaline of it all started wearing away.* "Fuck!" *She muttered angrily to herself as she forced herself to stand, relying heavily on the wrecked car.*


*Alex tensed up as Oz touched her chin. *"What did I say about you keeping your fucking hands off of me."* she growled. *"And what's this about you protecting me, huh? In the past few hours I've seen you, I've broken my body. Some job you're doing."* Oswald was visibly getting increasingly upset with her defiance. *"Why won't you just accept that I'm only trying to help you."* Alex scoffed. *"Because the last time you tried to HELP, my parents ended up dead and my sister now hates my guts because I wouldn't let her kill you. Although I'm starting to think I should've! Ah!"* she winced as she felt a sharp pain in her head, no doubt from a concussion she sustained. Oswald's look of upset turned to concern as Alex squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered quietly, clutching her head with her right hand.*


It pained Jonathan to watch Natalie struggle to stand, but he wrapped her arm around his shoulder for support and led her over to where the blonde was now silent, looking around at the mess. *"Excuse me."* he called out to her. The blonde's eyes widened as she saw who was standing behind her. *"Holy duckin' fuck. You're Jonathan Crane! And- oh shit. You're Wayne."* She dragged her hands down her face. *"Oh no, Alex, why them!"* Jonathan rolled his eyes. *"Speaking of Ms. Kyle, who was that man, and where did he take her?"* Jonathan asked. But before she could answer, Natalie spoke up. *"But first, are you okay? Do you need any medical attention? Also, what's your name?"* *Harleen"* The girl answered. *"Harleen Quinzel. And I'm fine. But Alex isn't."* Jonathan tapped his foot impatiently. He loved that Natalie was trying to be courteous, but they didn't have time for that. *"Look, we can help her if you tell us who she was with and where she went."* Jonathan pressed. Harleen stamped her foot and crossed her arms. *"That fucker was Oswald Cobblepot. Her ex."* Jonathan suddenly understood why the man had looked so familiar. Anyone who lived in Gotham knew of Oswald Cobblepot, kingpin of the underworld, even if they'd never personally met him. *"Wait, she dated a crime lord?"* Jonathan asked. Harleen nodded. *"Yeah, but when she broke up with him about a year ago, he went all cuckoo and started stalking her. He wants her back, and I think he figured that this was his most opportune moment to take her. As for where they went, I HAVE NO IDEA!" Harleen shouted frustratedly. Jonathan exhaled frustratedly. Why did things have to get so complicated? *"Whatever, we can figure this out later. For now, I need to get you to a hospital, Natalie."*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now