Part 26

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*The words hurt him deeply, it almost felt as if a knife stabbed straight through his chest. He knew she was right though, which made him angry, but it also made him depressed. Oz wouldn't get anywhere with her if he continued to stalk her. He gently repositioned Alex so he could help her get to bed. She was hesitant at first but didn't have any other option.* "What are you planning, Oswald?" *She asked him sternly yet there was always a sense of pleading when she spoke to him. Probably because he never listens.* "Nothing. You're tired and you need to rest, Alex." *His shift from overprotective to helpful was instant.* "I don't believe you! What are you planning!" *Alex used more of her energy, only to be calmed back down by Oz.* "You can't heal with me around, I understand that." *Her eyes narrowed at him again; a running habit people had around him.* "Why should I even begin to trust you?.." *Oswald brought over the snacks to her bedside so she could have easier access.* "Do or don't, Alex. I'm gonna let you heal." *Oswald made sure he worded every sentence to fit his narrative. He knew Alex would miss him during his absence, especially after all the things he got her and how he took care of her. He smirked, discreetly messaging one of his workers to bring the kitten he asked for. Alex didn't say anything else before she drifted to sleep; the last few days had been so eventful it was no shocker she passed out as she got into her own bed.* "I'll be seeing you, my Love." *With that, Oz promptly made sure her house was secure before grabbing the kitten from his thug, who was catching his breath from walking up so many stairs with a cat and cat necessities. Oz hushed the mewing kitten as he laid him next to Alex, luckily she was so deep in sleep she didn't wake up. Now she had a kitten and an abundance of cat toys and supplies.*


*She certainly didn't want to seem crazy on her first day, so she kept her dream to herself. She bit her lip as she walked beside Jonathan.* "Sorry I pushed you so hard, I just.." *She paused trying to find the right words.* "I know I can handle more than just a schizophrenia case." *Jonathan let out a small sigh, trying to find the right words himself.* "No, I'm sorry, Natalie. I shouldn't have snapped like that." *Natalie smiled, happy to lose the 'Miss Wayne' title. The patients were pushed against the window of the doors to try to see the new doctor. She heard a thousand different things being yelled at her before Jonathan stopped in front of one room. His cries could be heard through the door.* "Scarecrow! Scarecrow!.. SCARECROW!!" *Jonathan's hand grabbed the door slowly, before pulling away and facing her again.* "I was going to let you go in, but I really don't want to overload you with work." *He regained his cool attitude yet again, leading her back to continue walking down the hall. He couldn't believe he got so close to letting her in. Natalie gave him an earnest smile again, deciding it was best not to push it twice in one day.* "I'm very appreciative of you letting me walk down the wing, at least." *Before Jonathan could reply, a different patient was reaching his fingers through the bars of the window on the door.* "Hey, It's Natalie Wayne!" *He sneered, pulling on the door in an act of defiance.* "Get in here pretty girl, I'll show you what a-" *Jonathan slid the cover of the window, now he knew who would be getting experimented on next. Natalie frowned in an apologetic way towards the older doctor.* "This is why I try my best to stay out of the newspaper."*


*Alex felt her chest vibrating as she awoke. *"What the hell?"* She groaned, sitting up."* There was a squeak as whatever was lying on her chest tumbled down into her lap. Alex didn't even jump, she just stared at the black kitten on her lap. *"How did you get in here little one?"* She asked, checking to see if Oswald had opened any of her windows. For some reason, cats loved Alex and would enter her apartment if they were able. But in her process of checking, she saw all of the supplies Oswald left her beside her bed. *"Oswald!"* she exclaimed, knowing instantly it was him. *"How the hell am I supposed to take care of a cat in this condition!?"* The kitten looked up at her with big, green eyes. *"Aw, I'm sorry. I don't know if I can take care of you, little one. Besides, you don't deserve someone as insecure as me. You need someone like Natalie Wayne..."* She gasped. *"That's it! Natalie Wayne! She can come over and help me help you settle in, I bet she's good with kittens!"* But Alex suddenly remembered Oswald was the one who had given it to her. *"But I can't let Oswald know I actually like this... oh, but you're so cute."* She picked up the kitten and held it to her chest. *"Well, I guess you're not a human child... and you would be good company while I'm healing... but you're so young and require so much care... oh, fuck it, I'll just call Natalie."* Alex texted Harleen, who gave Alex Natalie's number. But Alex paused after she dialled it. If she called Natalie now, there was no way she was getting rid of this kitten. It purred and snuggled into her chest. *"Oh, fine. But you need a name."* she lifted the kitten to check its sex. *"How about Lucifer? I like that. Now, to call Natalie."*


*Jonathan made a mental note to get Bill transferred to his care so he could show him what happened when you messed with Natalie Wayne. *"Sorry about him. He believes that part of the reason he's in here is because of your brother."* Natalie rolled her eyes. *"Great, what did he do?"* Jonathan paused and turned to her. *"It's ridiculous, which is why he's in here. Batman took him down after robbing some stores, and now Bill is convinced that under the cowl, he saw Bruce Wayne."* Jonathan thought the whole thing was a load of shit. *"At first we thought it was just for attention, but his delusions continued. Look, no offence, but there is no way your playboy brother who attends parties every other night is Batman."* Natalie scrunched her nose. *"Bruce as Batman, that's silly. But if you think about it, a person with that many resources has to be rich."* Jonathan rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. *"Or he's stealing equipment as well."* Natalie was about to respond when her phone buzzed. Jonathan, curious, peered over her shoulder at the number. *"Who is it?"*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now