Part 41

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-Oz (Harleen)- 

*"Her not healing could be a good thing, Boss! It might make her come back faster."* *The Penguin let out a gentle chuckle like he had found new enlightenment.* "I can't trap her. I don't want to love of my life to be with me by force. I want her to heal and see I'm the perfect man for her!" *He slammed his fist down on the table with determination.* "If she wants space from me, she can get it. But, that doesn't mean I'm not helping her anymore." *He turned and looked at Butch.* "Did you drop off the money?" *The bigger man nodded.* "Yessir, Boss man." *At the apartment, Harley slumped on the couch with a sigh,* "Why are things getting so complicated and hard for me to fix!" *She whined loudly, moping until she heard shuffling outside. She quickly rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a large knife, no one was gonna mess with Alex, not this time. But time had passed and nothing had happened. Cautiously, Harley peeked out of the hole in the door. She gasped as she saw the basket filled with 100 dollar bill after 100 dollar bill. She grabbed it from outside and examined it,* "Hm, no note. Doesn't matter, we know who it's from.." *She grumbled, setting it on the counter and wondering if she should even let Alex see it. Hell yeah, she was gonna because money! But, Alex would also only be able to think about how it's Oswald's criminal money.*


*She let out a mischievous giggle as she poured herself a drink. She knew something was wrong with the situation, but she didn't care; she had company. She poured her own glass and brought him to the same room they were in the last time he came over.* "What were you so busy with today?" *Natalie struck up a conversation, drinking her beverage. She tried hiding her cringing face from the alcohol.* "I had to get a missing part for my washing machine. Now it's working like it's brand new again." *Jonathan lied. He'd never spent so much time talking about his appliances. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how often he didn't have casual conversations with people.* "You know what I'm gonna sayyyyy." *Her voice sang out to him. She was a bit loose from the drink, but not tipsy yet. He turned and faced her direction.* "After the car, I don't want you spending any more money on me." *He stated, he had the smallest smile on his face.* "Oh, come on!" *She laughed before she thought about what he said.* "Where is your car? I didn't see it out there." "I walked. It was so nice out today." *It was nice out, but he did not care about the weather or enjoying nature. Natalie hummed, pleased with this answer.* "It was! Alfred and I went to the park and.." *She thought back to seeing Alex and Harley. She didn't want to mention the apology, because then she'd have to explain why Alex had to apologize in the first place and Jonathan wouldn't be too happy.* "It was just a really nice day." *He agreed and sipped on his drink. It was starting to get warm to him now.*


*Alex heard a knock on her door, so she got up to open it. *"What Harls?"* *"I think you should see this."* Harleen said leading Alex out to the kitchen, where Alex now saw a large basket of money. *"Holy fuck, where did you get this from?"* Alex asked seeing dollar signs. She licked her lips as she thought of all the things she could buy with that money. Harleen crossed her arms. *"It showed up outside your door. I think you know who it's from."* Alex sneered *"Ugh, Oswald!"* She huffed, trying to be angry. But she couldn't keep up her act, as she was staring at an entire basket of money, all hundreds. *"Oh, who am I kidding? This is great."* *"Wait, you're not mad?"* Harleen asked suspiciously. *"Well, yeah, I'm pissed that he's still trying to help, but, you've gotta admit... this is nice. It's not something that requires a lot of care and it's not cheesy or chintzy."* Alex said, touching the stacks. *"What has gotten into you? He killed your parents. He killed Dave!"* Harleen reminded her. *"Plus, that money is probably stolen."* Alex chuckled. *"He's a crime lord, Harls, I'm used to it. Half the stuff he used to get me was with stolen money."* Alex thought back to all the gifts she could remember Oz showering her with. Some of them, she still had. But then, she realized how fondly she was thinking of the man. Harleen was right, he'd killed three people that were close to her. He didn't deserve fond thoughts. *"Are you sure you don't want to get rid of this money?"* Harleen asked. Alex stared at it for a moment. Sure, Oswald was an annoying little prick, but damn, he knew what she liked. *"No, I'm not getting rid of this."* *"Well then... what do you want to do with it?"* Harleen asked, not entirely upset with Alex's decision. Alex grabbed a stack of hundreds and put it in her pocket. *"Do you wanna go shopping?"* *"Do you feel up to it?"* Harleen asked. Alex laughed. *"Shopping is a huge motivator for me. As long as you're my shoulder to lean on, I'll be fine."* Harley grinned and grabbed one of Alex's crutches. *"At least take one of these."* she said, handing it to Alex to lean on. *"Now, where to first?"*


*"So, you said you went to the park with Alfred today, and it sounded like you were going to say something else. Did something happen?"* Jonathan asked. Natalie pursed her lips. *"I mean, not anything too bad."* Jonathan raised his eyebrows. *"So something did happen. Are you okay?"* She shrugged. *"Oh yeah, I'm fine."* When she didn't go on, Jonathan cleared his throat. *"So..."* Natalie grinned as she sipped her drink. *"You're gonna be mad!"* *"Try me."* Jonathan challenged. *"Alex-"* *"Oh geez,"* Joanthan groaned. *"No no no, she insulted me, but then she apologized! She actually apologized! Jonathan, she APOLOGIZED!"* Jonathan chuckled at Natalie's excitement. *"Yeah, you mentioned."* He was still pissed off at Alex, but he was glad Natalie was happy. Natalie was talking about how happy she was that she was getting through to Alex when Jonathan's phone chimed, indicating he got a text. *"Oh, who is it?"* Natalie asked. Jonathan paled as he read the texts. Sandra was texting him on the phone she had given her that was programmed with only his number for her. 'MEN AT PENTHOUSE! I HEAR THEM OUTSIDE MY CLOSET WHAT DO I DO?' *"Fuck."* Jonathan grumbled. Oswald's men must have recognized him or figured out who he was. 'Stay put, don't make a sound, they shouldn't be able to get to you. I'm on my way.' *"What, what?"* Natalie asked. *"Is everything alright?"* *"It's my damn washing machine again, I have to go."* He lied. *"Sorry. It was nice to see you."* *"Wait!"* Natalie called after him as he rushed away. He stopped and looked back. *"Let me help."* But Jonathan shook his head. *"You've already done too much for me. I'll see you tomorrow at work, okay?"* He felt bad, but he left anyway, needing to stop Oswald's men from ransacking his apartment.* 

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now