Part 48

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*His heart raced with excitement as he kissed her mouth gently, using his thumb to stroke her cheek. He let the kiss deepen as Alex leaned back into the bed. He found himself letting his tongue dominate over hers and his hands roam.* "Fuck.." *He groaned as his breathing quickened. Alex whined as he pulled away, causing him to let out a chuckle.* "You're drunk, my love." *Alex giggled, too. She used to hate being called that, but tonight it just felt right. She ran her hand under his shirt making goosebumps form on his skin. She slowly unbuttoned his shirt, but he caught her hand and gently held her wrist in place.* "Alex..." *He warned, though she could see the yearning in his eyes.* "I know what I want." *She stated coolly. He could feel the purr of her voice on his skin and it felt like heaven.* "I want it more than you could ever imagine," *He began, kissing her softly and brushing her brunette locks out of her face.* "But, I don't want you to regret anything with me. I want you to want me without the influence of something else. No alcohol, no extra forces, no other people.." *Alex smiled softly and leaned against him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. He wrapped protective arms around her.* "You look beautiful tonight. Like every night. And day." *Alex smiled and kissed his neck. He ran his fingers through her hair and lightly pulled so her head was level with his before kissing her again. He found it harder and harder to keep his composure against the girl he loved so much.*


*She felt like she was spinning, but she was having so much fun.* "Have you ever been to a party, Jon?" *She held the phone closer to her ear. She could hear the car moving along the road as she waited for his answer.* "Once or twice, it wasn't my thing." *They continued to talk until he arrived,* "Okay, I'm comin' out! Let me just tell Alex in case she needs me." *Jonathan didn't like the idea but allowed her to. Natalie stumbled across the empty hallways of the upstairs building; regular people definitely weren't allowed in this area. She made her way down the hallway to the door of the master suite that she assumed Alex and Oz had run off to, but giggled and blushed with wide eyes when she heard kisses and soft moans. She immediately ran back down to Jonathan, practically falling into his arms when she saw him.* "Let's go. The music is starting to hurt my head!" *She giggled as she grabbed onto his arm and led him outside. Jonathan found her boldness amusing. He helped her into his car before getting in on the driver's side.* "Thank you for picking me up, Jon." *She stared at him, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol still,* "It's the least I could do for you after everything you've done for me." *Natalie kept glancing over at him, which didn't go unnoticed by him.* "I'm pretty sure I heard Alex and Oswald Cobblepot getting it on when I went to tell her bye." *She blurted out making Jonathan outwardly cringe.* "I think they love each other. Have you ever been in a relationship?" *She smiled over at him, scooting towards him as close as she could in the car. Jonathan felt the intensity of her stare burning a hole in his face.* "I... have tried. I never could understand the dynamics; I never felt connected with them." *Natalie's face lit up.* "I'm the same way! I've never had a relationship last longer than two months, so eventually I just stopped." *She smiled at the fact they shared another fact, but Jonathan found it harder to focus.* "How about we listen to the radio, hm?" *Natalie nodded and requested the Classic Rock station. She hummed along before getting quiet.* "Jonathan?.." *He looked over at her, taking note of her appearance.* "Yes, Natalie?" "I'd really like to see the city lights from your penthouse."*


*Alex wrapped her good leg around his waist as he kissed her harder. She managed to work his shirt completely off, and she ran her nails along his back. He groaned, wanting more, but then he reeled his thoughts back in and pulled away from her, hovering over her. Alex was frustrated that he wouldn't let her go any further. *"Please Oz, I want the same thing that you do."* She pouted. *"But you're drunk."* he said again. *"Stop saying that, I'm fine. I know what I'm doing."* she giggled, reaching up to caress Oz's cheek. In the process, her sleeve rolled down, revealing her arm full of scars. Oswald gasped, gently grabbing her arm and pushing the sleeve up the rest of the way. *"What are these from?"* Alex shrugged. *"I took my casts off. See!"* She showed him her leg proudly. Oswald wasn't sure whether to laugh at her or scold her. *"My love, you needed those to heal."* He murmured, peppering kisses up her arm. *"I still have my crutch... that I think we left out in the hallway."* Alex told him, shivering under his touch as he moved to kiss the scars on her leg. He was so amazing, Alex couldn't believe she hadn't come back to him sooner. But she was still drunk and didn't know what she was thinking. Oz crawled up next to Alex and she got on top of him, a bit off balance from keeping weight off of her left side. *"Ozzy I'm so horny."* Oswald couldn't help but laugh. *"You're not going to wear me down, you know. I'm not doing anything without your full, sober consent"* Alex rolled her eyes and leaned down kissing Oswald's chest. *"I bet I can wear you down."* she purred, sending vibrations through his body. Oswald groaned, longing for her. *"You know what? You're probably right, so stop."* He slipped out from underneath her and sat by his pillows. Alex stayed at the edge of the bed, staring at him. *"You're no fun."* *"Oh, I'll show you fun."* He reached into the nightstand and pulled out two Wii remotes. "*Do you still play Mario Kart?"* Alex squealed and crawled next to him, snatching a controller. *"Prepare to lose, babe."* And she wasn't wrong. After losing many times to Alex at Mario Kart, he noticed her yawn and her eyelids drooped. *"Do you wanna go to sleep?"* He asked. Alex nodded, putting her controller down and snuggling into Oswald's chest for warmth. *"Do you want to change into some PJs?"* He asked, sure he still had a pair of hers around here somewhere. Alex shook her head and yawned once more. *"Thank you for making my night fun."* Alex murmured, wrapping her arms around his stomach. She heard Oswald chuckle as he placed a kiss on her forehead. *"You're welcome, my love. Sweet dreams."*


*Jonathan's heart leapt at her suggestion. She wanted to stay the night at his place! *"But what about Bruce and Alfred? Will they mind?"* *"Yes, but I'm an adult, I can do what I want."* Natalie huffed. Jonathan chuckled at her childlike reaction. *"But I've only known you for a few days, not even a week."* He pointed out. Natalie placed her hand on his shoulder. *"But it's felt like months."* Jonathan had to admit that she was right. Besides, they both felt very comfortable around each other, so he didn't know why he was so cautious to agree. *"I can't go home drunk anyway, Alfred would kill me, and I wouldn't be allowed to leave for weeks. At least he can't say much if I stay over with you- he won't want to ask too many questions."* Natalie said with a smirk. *"Well, I guess that's alright."* He brought Natalie back to his place, and they rode up the elevator. *"Woah..."* Natalie's jaw dropped as the elevator doors opened up to the penthouse. While she was distracted by everything, Jonathan quickly locked up his lab, not wanting her to stumble in on it, or Sandra, on accident. *"Come here."* He whispered, taking her hand and leading her to his balcony. He gestured to the view. *"This is Gotham from a different perspective."* Natalie's eyes widened from the beauty and she ran to the railing. Jonathan quickly grabbed her waist to prevent her from accidentally toppling over it. *"Wow, you can see the narrows from here! It's so pretty. It almost makes you forget we're one of the most crime-ridden cities in the world."* Jonathan's eyes scanned the skyline until he found what he was looking for. *"Hey Nat, see that?"* He asked, pointing to a tall building a few metres away. Perched on a gargoyle was none other than Batman himself. *"Oh my God! I've never seen him in real life!"* Natalie exclaimed. They both watched as he jumped from the building and glided over to another. *"That's so cool."* Jonathan led her over to a chair and sat her down.*"I know, he comes here often."* He gazed at her, admiring the wonder in her eyes. For a billionaire, she didn't seem to get out much. The Moonlight reflected off of the sparkles on her dress, seeming to make her glow... she was more beautiful than the view, in Jonathan's opinion.* 

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now