Part 34

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*He threw his phone when she hung up, leading to the same cracked screen. He let out a gargled scream in frustration before leaving his office and walking back to the main lounge where his goons were.* "-Why he's so caught up over 'er. Bitch seems psychotic." *He overheard a relatively new hire talking to another one. The goon who wasn't speaking saw the Penguin walk in and his face whitened.* "What did you say, Marco?" *Oz's smile twisted into an unpleasant smile. The goon, now known as Marco, gulped and replied,* "I-I was... I was talking about someone else, Boss! H-Honest!.." *He tried convincing the sick man, but it was no use. Oz had killed yet again for Alex's honour. Back at her own place, Harley huffed and sat in solitude.* "It's been enough time; I really should go check to make sure she's okay.." *Harley battled with herself on whether or not she should check in on Alex. She pulled her phone out and tried calling her but she got no answer.* "If that ain't a sign to check on her, I don't know what is!" *Harley exclaimed out loud as she quickly gathered some things to take over to Alex's apartment. She locked up her place and made her way over. The anxiety in her stomach grew as she neared the door, opening it to the sight of Alex with her casts off, shaking and shocked in a pool of her own blood. Harley rushed in and got to work helping her friend.*


*She woke up lazily. She hadn't gotten much rest in her sleep due to the nightmares she had been having. Natalie made her way to the bathroom and got ready for the day. She walked downstairs to see Bruce and Alfred.* "What do you have planned for today?" *Natalie hummed as she scavenged around the kitchen area.* "I have a meeting at noon and then I am free for the day." *Bruce commented as he fixed his tie.* "Good luck!" *After Bruce left, her mind wandered back to Jonathan. She pulled out her phone and dialled the number from the card he had given her. The phone rang for a while, but just as she was going to end the call, he picked up.* "...Hello?.." *His voice was cautious on the phone. Natalie smiled, which was apparent in her voice,* "Hi, Jon! It's Natalie! I was just wondering how the new car was holding up?" *She twirled a piece of her hair absentmindedly as she waited for a reply.* "It's fine. Thank you, again." *Jonathan replied coolly and quickly. Natalie could hear crashing and thrashing around in the background. It completely clashed with his nonchalant demeanour.* "Are you okay? There's a lot of noise coming from your end." *Natalie asked, concerned. He was silent for a bit before he spoke.* "My washing machine is broken." *He replied, watching Sandra thrash around. Thank God she was mute.* "Oh, okay. Well, if you're busy; I'll let you go."*


*Alex still couldn't believe what she had done. Her casts were in pieces on the floor, which mingled with the pool of blood that she was sitting in from accidentally stabbing herself with the knife repeatedly. She managed to wrap her arm and leg in some paper towels to clot the bleeding. There would definitely be some scarring which she was not happy about. *"God, I was so desperate to get those off I didn't think about that."* she said, shaking when she saw the mess around her. *"Oh no, Lucifer."* she groaned, watching him pad through the blood and track it around the house. She heard her door open, and Harleen rushed in, finding Alex on the floor. *"Oh, Alexandria, what did you do?"* Harleen asked, helping Alex up. *"We need to get those casts back on-"* *"No!"* Alex exclaimed, pushing Harley away. She cried out in pain as she put weight on her left foot, but she didn't let up. *"S-see, I'm fine."* She took a step forward and groaned, but still didn't stop. *"Fuck you for being such a stubborn bitch!"* Harleen shouted at her, not sure of what to do. *"Why wouldn't you just let yourself heal?"* Alex limped over to the couch, each step sending a shooting pain up her leg. She collapsed onto the couch when she reached it, her leg throbbing. *"Because I'm not going to sit around, waiting for Oswald to torture me again."* *"Or it's because you're a stupid prick."* came a voice from the window. Alex and Harley saw Selena peering in, her face sour. *"What the fuck happened in here?"* *"The fuck are you doing here?"* Alex countered. Selena rolled her eyes. *"I think Jonathan Crane is up to something."*


*"I hate to keep things short, but yes, I do have to go."* Jonathan said between grunts as he tightened Sandra's restraints to quiet her more. But as he was doing her leg, she managed to wrench it free and accidentally kicked him in the chin. *"God dammit!"* He hissed, clutching his chin. *"Are you okay?"* Natalie asked. *"Do you need me to come over?"* Jonathan sneered, he was too distracted to continue with his experiment. He took a dose of sedatives and injected Sandra with it. She almost instantly calmed. *"Hm, well that's not good."* He muttered, not liking how quickly the sedatives counteracted his serum. *"What's not good?"* Natalie asked. *"My washing machine is leaking I have to go."* He hung up instantly. He felt bad, not liking how he had to hide these things from her. But she couldn't know about them. Not yet, anyway.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now