Part 21

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*He remained alone for the time, sending his goons away. Right now, he needed to focus on making more allies. He hoped that would not only help his business but also help him find Alex again. 'Alex, Alex, Alex...' He thought. His mind suddenly got the brightest idea. The penguin pulled out his phone and dialled a number.* "I need a kitten." *The other voice let out a sigh,* "Yeah, sure, but you don't even know where she's at right now, boss..." "GET THE CAT!" *He hung the phone up. He could feel himself spiralling. He was so close to having her, but she got away yet again.* "I'll get a cat. I'll get a dog. I'll buy a bear. I'll buy the WHOLE DAMN ZOO IF I HAVE TO!" *He screamed at no one in particular.* "Buy the zoo!" *His mind got yet another idea. He was jumping the gun too fast.*


"Ah, shit.." *She muttered as Alex fell. Natalie shuttered as she felt how close he was to her.* "I'll try my best to help." *Jonathan stepped back and let her go forward. She quickly checked everything she knew how to check for.* "She definitely needs to get to a hospital.." *She glanced inside through the window to make sure Alfred wasn't stirring before looking back to the blonde.* "Take her to the hospital, use a different name." *Natalie stood back up to give Harleen, who was listening attentively, the instructions.* "It gives Cobblepot less of a chance to find her." *Harleen groaned loudly.* "Good thinking! I didn't even think about that." *Natalie tried helping Harleen pick up Alex but was stopped by Jonathan so she wouldn't hurt herself. He quickly went and stood back on the porch leaving Natalie and Harleen to finish the discussion.* "Hey, tell her Jonathan carried her to the car when she felt better. And that he's sorry for his actions; he was just stressed." *She made up the last part so Harleen could hopefully make her feel better about the ordeal.* "I know she's real sorry, too! It's been rough." *Natalie smiled knowingly.* "I can imagine. Remember if you need help you have my number." *With that, she made her way back to Jonathan, leading him back inside.* "Wow, today has been hectic, to say the least."*


*The next morning, Alex awoke and found herself in an actual hospital. She could hear the voices of doctors and nurses outside, as well as the constant beeping of the heart monitor. She had an IV in her again, but her casts had been changed from plain white to black, which was most likely Harleen's doing, knowing that black was Alex's favourite colour. There was a knock at her door, and a nurse stuck her head in. "Ms Foster? Now that you're finally awake, we have some questions for you."* Alex was about to correct the woman when she realized that the name was most likely fake to protect her from Oz. She obliged and answered all of the questions. As the nurse was leaving, there was another knock on the door. *"It's like friends of yours, would you like them to come in?"* Alex nodded, and in came Dave and two of her other colleagues, each carrying a bouquet. *"Thank goodness you're okay Dr-"* Alex held up her hand to stop them from saying her real name in front of the nurse. *"Thank you for thinking of me guys, but how did you-"* *"Harleen called us this morning and explained."* Dave said. *"But, once again, none of these bouquets are from us. Here, these two had cards in them, the other had your phone..."* He said suspiciously, handing it to her. Alex snatched it and quickly went through it, making sure Oz hadn't done anything. Luckily, the only thing he'd done was unblock his number, which was quickly blocked again. In the other two bouquets were cards, which Alex soured as she read, 'I'm sorry, I swear I was gonna let you go,' and 'Please, don't make me search for you again.' Alex crumpled up the notes and threw them across the room. *"Take these away."* She ordered Dave and the others. She felt strangely calm because of the medication the doctors had her on.*


*Before Harleen left the previous night, Jonathan had given her a list of medications with his signature that she was to give to the doctors at Gotham ER to ensure Ms Kyle got the proper Benzodiazepines she needed to relax. He may not have approved of the girl, but he wasn't a monster. Jonathan was in his penthouse that morning, sipping some coffee as he recalled the events of last night. He had stayed with Natalie until she ended up falling asleep on her couch. He remembered pulling a blanket over her, admiring her soft features as she slept. *"You did well."* He had told her, very impressed with how she had handled everything. He then got a cab back to his apartment and called his car dealership, asking them to hold a car for him to buy later today. Buying a new car wasn't as big of a deal as he was making it seem, but he just thought Ms Kyle should've been morally inclined to buy him one. 'Whatever,' he thought. 'I'll just cab to work today. Maybe Natalie will want to come with me to pick up my car after work... no, what am I thinking? That's wishful thinking.' But was it, considering all they had already been through together?* 

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