Part 9

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"YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SHE GETS AWAY FROM ME?" *He directed his anger towards Harleen before rushing over as fast as he could with his cane, Harleen right behind him. He had decided he just couldn't let Alex ditch him, not yet, and had followed her when she left the zoo. He ran up to Alex and shakily pulled her groaning, unconscious self out of the crumbled car. He sat the girl in his lap, brushing out her hair as he tried calming her.* "L-Let.. Go.." *Alex meekly tried fighting against Oswald's grasp. He held her firmly in his arms, trying to comfort her.* "I couldn't protect her because she has this liar in her ear telling her I'm deranged!" *He glared at the blonde before quickly pulling out a burner phone. He called for more goons to help take care of Alex before turning to the rest of the scene.* 


*Natalie could only hear ringing in her ears. She felt a slight drip from her nose. Bringing her hand up, she wiped away some blood that was dripping. She was oddly calm for someone who just got into a major accident. She checked around her surroundings, feeling herself for any major injuries while looking for Jonathan.*


*Alex groaned in pain. Her body ached, but she couldn't feel her left arm at all, and her left leg was tingling intensely. She could hear Harley's shrill voice as she was pulled out of her car through the shattered window. She opened her eyes and saw who was holding her. It was Oswald, he must have followed her after she left. *"L-Let go."* She whined, trying to pry herself from his grasp. But Oswald was holding her tight. Her breathing grew quick once more when she couldn't get away. *"You need to calm down."* Oswald told her, but his voice seemed muffled. *"L-Let go!"* She repeated, but her vision was slowly fading. She saw Harleen standing over her as her vision faded, and the last thing she heard Oswald say was directed at Harleen: *"Why couldn't this have been you, you clown!*


Jonathan slowly opened his eyes and felt his body for any injuries. Miraculously, he hadn't sustained any, and his glasses weren't broken. He then immediately turned his attention to Natalie, who was unconscious beside him. *" Ms. Wayne! Natalie!" He exclaimed, trying to wake her up. But she didn't budge. He got out of the car so he could pull her out, but froze when he saw who had hit them and who had arrived at the scene. The same man he'd seen at Arkham rushed out of his car and pulled an unconscious woman out of the jeep that had hit them, the same woman whom Natalie was talking to at Arkham, Alexandria Kyle. Her blonde friend was there as well, yelling and screaming at the man. Jonathan was about to go over and start yelling as well when he noticed Natalie stirring in the car. *"Natalie!"* He called, going over to the shattered window. *"What h-happened?"* She asked. But Jonathan didn't answer, instead focusing on the crimson trail of blood flowing from her nose. *"You're hurt. Hang on, I'm going to get you out. Do you have any major injuries?"*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now