Part 30

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*He didn't do much. He lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was only the afternoon, but there was no point in doing anything else today. He sighed as he stared up at the ceiling, thinking of the times when he and Alex first started dating. She really liked him, but he had to go and ruin it. He slapped a hand on his forehead and drug it down his face dramatically,* "Oh, Alex! Why!?"*
*Harleen burst into the police station only to see all the boys in blue slacking off.* "Well, I guess Jim Gordon isn't here, huh?!" *She yelled loudly in an irritated manner to get everyone's attention. A younger man with short brown hair walked up to her. His name tag read 'D. Payne.'* "Can I, uh, help you, Miss?" *He asked as he walked up to the desk she stood by. Harleen scoffed.* "Maybe you can help someone in this town! I need to know about the man you found under the bridge earlier today. Who did that?!?" *Officer Payne rolled his eyes,* "That's not available information to the public yet, Ma'am, only the detectives right now." *Harley got so frustrated she slapped a pencil holder right off of the desk, spilling writing utensils on the floor. The cop shot her a 'Really' look before pointing to the door.* "You're lucky you ain't an ugly broad or else you'd be locked up in that holding cell! Now, get out!" *Harley huffed, turning on her heel and briskly leaving.* 


*She let out a breathy sigh when she was out of view, her hands shaking slightly. She couldn't believe how he grabbed her, but she liked it. She cursed at herself mentally; now was not the time to be thinking about that. She walked back in Where Harleen was putting her jacket on. Natalie gave her a sympathetic smile and told her goodbye before turning to Alex.* "Alex, I'm so sorry about what happened to your coworker. I'm also really sorry Jonathan's been so rough. He feels terrible and left you a small gesture to say he's sorry.." *Natalie tried to mull things over to avail. Things were tense and weird in the house.* "I don't care! He can kiss my ass!" *Natalie flinched at the outburst ever so slightly, giving her a sympathetic look.* "I know, sorry.." *With one last sad smile, Natalie made her way out of the room. Jonathan stood by the door, ready to walk out. She fiddled with the sleeve of her shirt as she made her way over to him. The feeling of regret from having to be so stern with him overcame her. Her eyes were pointed to the ground when she spoke.* "I'm sorry, Jonathan, I shouldn't have been so harsh to you earlier. I just needed to cool the situation down. Can I make it up to you?" *She sheepishly smiled up at him so she could see how he was reacting, but Natalie didn't let him say anything before she pushed him out of the apartment and eagerly dragged him down the stairs.* "I hope you're in the market for a car!"*


*Alex found herself alone again, although this time, a well-fed Lucifer was napping on her pillow. *"I need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back."* She slowly got up and hobbled out to the living room to get to the restroom. But as she placed her hand on the door, she sniffed and smelled something odd. It almost smelled like sulfur. *"Ugh, what the hell?"* Her nose crinkled in disgust as the smell got worse. "This better not be another one of your presents, Oz."* She huffed, searching around for where it could be coming from. *"Oh, don't worry, it's not."* Someone said. Alex whirled around, face to face with Oswald. *"O-Oz! You said you'd leave me alone!"* She gasped, her heart rate spiking. He laughed and shook his head. *"Now why did you have to be a bad girl and run away from home?" Alex noticed he was holding a chain leash. *"No, no, this has to be a dream!"* she cried, backing herself against her couch. *"No, this isn't a dream, my pet. If you don't come here right now, there will be consequences."* 'How could this not be a dream?!'Alex asked herself. But her fear felt so real. She took one of Crane's books and hit it against her leg. She whimpered as she felt pain. *"Alex, this is your last warning."* Oswald cooed. *"Come here. Now."* *"NO!"* Alex screamed, darting as fast as she could to her room, where she locked the door. She leaned on the door to keep it shut, but then everything seemed eerily silent on the other side. Slowly, Alex turned around and backed away from the door. She heard chuckling behind her. *"Well, then, be that way."* Before she could react, Oswald was behind her, wrapping the chain around her leash, pulling tightly on it so she began to choke. 'How is this possible!?' She panicked as Oswald pulled tighter...*


*"I'm still not happy with you buying me a new car."* Jonathan told Natalie as they walked to the Rolls Royce showroom where Jonathan had the dealership put a car on hold for him. It was the exact same as his last car, only it was dark blue instead of black. Natalie nudged him as they waited for the salesman. *"Please, it's not a big deal."* *"You shouldn't even be-"* *"Yes, I know I shouldn't have to pay for it, you've only told me this a million times. But I want to. And when I want to do something, I'll do it."* Jonathan tapped his foot impatiently, wishing the salesman would hurry up. *"Will Bruce be okay with this?"* *"Bruce isn't going to find out. I don't want him finding out anything much about the accident because he'll go into protective big brother mode."* she chuckled. Finally, the salesman came up to them, and Natalie began the paperwork for payment. As Jonathan watched her, he found his mind wandering, wondering if his fear toxin had affected Ms Kyle yet.*

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